The story of us

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'' MUM!! I dont want to go on a school trip in the middle of the summer when i could be asleep all day. Besides, Egypt is way too hot , i'll come back here looking like a piece of shrimp'

'Kimberley! We arent talking about this anymore. Your dad paid for it, i organised your visa, i even packed your suitcase, your are going. End of discussion.'

knowing that our arguement was headed nowhere, i did what any thirteen year old would have done. I sulked all day and night. Too bad i couldnt sulk all of the next day because my flight was leaving at five in the morning.

The momment we boarded, i found my window seat, put in my headphones and proceeded to ignore everybody around me, i had been doing it for the last three hours and everyone who was trying to speak to me was getting the message pretty fast. Except him.

'Yo! Brian!' i heard someone shout across the isle to the boy sitting next to me, hope you and that chica over there are comfy. Its gonna be a loooong flight'

i hadnt really looked at the boy sitting next to me until then. My headphones were just sitting in my ears so i could hear everything around me but i still didnt want to talk to anyone.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and i tilted my head abit, hoping they would see the headphones in and get the message.

'I know theres nothing playing. I have an exact set of headphones and usually, where theyre connected to the wires, theres a little red light when theres music playing'

it was like a reflex action. I took them off and looked the part he was talking about and heard him snigger beside me.

'I was kidding. But i was pretty much sure there was no music playing. I'm Brian by the way.'

I turned around properly so I could get a look at him. He had jet black hair cropped short, so I could tell he played football, it was like a tradition, the entire team went bald a week before we went on break so his hair was kind of starting to grow, he had nice brown eyes, friendly,warm, kind.

But it was his lips that caught my attention. Perfectly shaped, like cupid's bow. Only soft looking and pink. I snapped out of my trance when i realised i was kind of angry with him for finding me out sso i did the most natural thing possible.

' I heard, after all, 'there was nothing playing'' i said with a hint of sarcasm .

With that, i took out my ipod, turned on some really loud music and put my head back, and from the corner of my eye, i saw him with the most annoying smirk plastered on his face. Gaaahh!

It was gonna be a loooooong flight.


i felt something cool rub against my cheek, i leaned towards it and heard someone chuckle in the distance. That annoying voice in my ear. I snapped awake! I must have fallen asleep before take off, i looked out my window and we were surrounded by nothing but blue skies and afew clouds.

'Do you always make whimpering noises when you sleep or is it just a special show for the people next to you on a flight?'

'why are you talking to me? And what was that cold thing on my face? Were you touching me?'

'relax! I'm not like a serial killer or anything, i just wanted to pick a movie, seeing as we're at the back and we have to share the screen.'

i felt my anger subside abit. 'oh. Whatevers fine. And i do not whimper when i sleep!.

'yeah, you totally do, but thats okay. Your secret is safe with me. Whats that thing girls do? Pinky vow? Or pinkyswear right? I pinkyswear.'

i couldnt help but snigger abit. He was kind of funny. And cute, a part of my subconcious said.

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