The Golden Globes

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Patrick looks in the mirror, making sure everything is in place. His brand new tuxedo fits around his newly formed muscles in a very flattering way. His salt and pepper hair is combed back in a fashionable style that he is most known for.
Satisfied with the way he looks, he walks out of his lonely house and steps into his sports car. He had been invited to the Golden Globes because of his newest film, Bridget Jones' Baby.
It took him about 45 minutes to arrive at the red carpet where he steps out and hands his keys to one of the workers. Cameras immediately flash in his direction and multiple people begin to call his name.
He walks with ease down the red carpet, occasionally stopping to smile at the cameras.
"Patrick! Where's your wife?" someone shouts out.
Patrick stops walking and turns to the man that shouted the question.
"Jill is no longer my wife. We are in the middle of finalizing our divorce." he says with a friendly smile on his face. Before the man can ask anymore questions, Patrick walks away.
The day turns into night and the awards ceremony begins.
Patrick begins to make his way inside and stops when he runs into his old friend, Jesse Williams.
"Patrick Dempsey. How the hell are ya?" Jesse asks. They hug for a moment and then release each other.
"I'm great. I haven't seen you in so long!" Patrick says.
"Yeah. What've you been up to? What brings you here?" Jesse asks.
"My new movie, Bridget Jones' Baby."
"Oh right! I've seen the previews for that. Looks good."
Patrick smiles and nods, nervous to ask the question on his mind. After a moment of awkward silence, he finally asks.
"So..what are you here for?"
"Oh! Some actors and actresses from Grey's  were nominated for different things so we wanted to support them." Jesse says, looking uncomfortable.
Patrick nods, his mind consumed with the horrifying thought that his old costar might make an appearance.
"Well I should find my seat. I'll see ya around, Dempsey." Jesse says, walking back. Patrick stays silent but nods.
After a minute of thinking, he makes his way to his seat and orders a scotch. For most of the night, he tunes out everyone around him and keeps his head down, afraid that if he looks up, he might see her.
He downs the last of his scotch and plays with the empty glass. He thinks back to how different things are between him and his old best friend. How much they have drifted apart. He is pulled from his thoughts when the name he has kept out of his mind for so long suddenly enters his ears.
"Ellen Pompeo."
He looks up and searches for her out of habit. Everyone around him cheers and applauds loudly. He looks toward the large stage and his eyes finally land on her.
Her petite form, covered in a tight dark blue gown, makes its way up the stairs carefully. Her blonde locks are curled and lay gently upon her shoulders. He averts his eyes to the big screen and her familiar face is there. Her beautiful smile makes his heart skip a beat and her green eyes look right past the camera.
Patrick quickly stands and walks as fast as he can out of the theater and into the nearest bathroom.
Ellen looks into the crowd, smiling with gratitude. A familiar form catches her eye and she squints to get a better look. She can't be sure if she is imagining it or if it's true. It's him. Patrick. Before she can really see him, he stands and walks out of the room.
She puts a smile back on her face and accepts her award, thanking her kids and her husband before walking off the stage.
Once she gets to the main ground, instead of walking back to her seat, she hands her award to Jesse and makes her way out of the theater.
Patrick makes his way outside of the building, not even bothering to stay for the remainder of the ceremony.
Once he opens the doors and steps into the cool air, the photographers all hop up from where they were sitting and get their cameras ready. Patrick smile politely but begins to walk toward the main exit.
He looks up and stops his stride, overcome with shock. Standing before him, staring at him with her bright green eyes, is Ellen. She stares at him with the same shocked expression that sticks to his face.
Before Ellen can say anything, Patrick turns around and begins to walk away. She can feel her blood begin to boil with anger.
"So that's it? After all these years you're just going to pretend like you don't know me?" Ellen shouts at him. He stops walking and turns around, staring at him with an expression that is a mix of rage and betrayal.
"Yes. I am. Because I can't handle the thought of even having a conversation with you."
"So you're just going to throw away all of our history?" she asks, feeling slightly hurt that he could forget her so easily. Patrick storms over to her and stops when he is right in front of her.
"Our history? I'm better off without you." Patrick whispers.
"I find that hard to believe. From what I've heard, you cried at the thought of losing me." Ellen replies smugly.
"No Ellen. Look at how Hollywood sees me now! I'm the family man! I am the all American dad. And're just like Meredith. You always have been." he says angrily.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ellen asks, a little too loudly, unknowingly catching the attention of the paparazzi who have been trying  to listen to their conversation.
"You're a whore. And you will always be a whore. Always all over every man you see-" Patrick is cut off by Ellen's hand making contact with his face.
Patrick turns back to Ellen with a shocked look on his face. His stare softens when he notices her watery eyes. He had hurt her and he hated himself for it. She slaps his cheek again and he lets her.
"I hate you!" she screams, hitting his chest with her fists.
"I know." he says quietly. She hits him again, over and over.
"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" she chants as she hits him, tears falling down her cheeks. He finally grabs her arms and pulls her tightly to his chest.
"I'm sorry." he whispers. He kisses the top of her head.
"I'm so sorry, Ellie." he says louder. She looks up at him and he dries her eyes with his thumbs.
"I watched the rain today." he blurts out. She looks at him with a confused expression.
"I studied it closely as it collided with the pavement and it reminded me of the way i fell for you. Helplessly, hopelessly and in entirety. The whole of myself crashing down and becoming lost in you, while your attention was ever occupied by every other drop of water that floated so lightly down to kiss your skin." he says, his fingers gently running down her jaw.
"I love you. And I know it has taken me a while to realize it but I know it now. I love you." she says smiling.
Without thinking twice about it, Ellen grabs his face and kisses his with as much passion as she can muster. He kisses her back without any hesitation. He slowly pulls away and suddenly remembers where they are.
The cameras continue to flash and the ceremony seems to have come to an end, for there was a very large crowd that had formed around them. Ellen catches the eye of her very angry husband and guilt begins to consume her.
She looks back at Patrick and notices a worried look on his face. She grabs his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. He looks down at her and can't help but smile. He was finally hers and she was his.
Before anyone can ask any questions or yell at them, they take off running, hand in hand. Patrick grabs his car keys from the worker and opens Ellen's door for her. She gets in and he runs around and gets in on the other side. He starts the car and speeds off down the road, out of everyone's sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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