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Tick, tock, tick, tock. 

I've been in the waiting room for twenty minutes, it was now 1.00pm. I just needed to know already. Not wanting to waste anymore of my time I pick up the closest magazine. It happens to be a magazine about gardening, so I flick through and look at all the beautiful gardens. If only I could escape to one of them and forget about reality. I'm about half way through the magazine when I pause to stare at one garden for longer than I had the others.

It was spectacular. I didn't think an arrangement of plants could look so, perfect. It was like you dream of as a child, escaping to a fairy garden. White stoned paths, bordered by flowers of colours that just worked in perfect harmony. Blue, purple and yellow. Big, old and tall tree's surrounded by more flowers, and most importantly, one of the paths lead to a big, gorgeous water fountain. I was lost in thought, and felt like I was a child once again. I imagined myself playing in the garden, searching for fairies. I imagined climbing the tree's and laughing. Talking to an imaginary friend and -

"Excuse me, are you done with that magazine?" An older lady, with white hair and a fragile body was staring at me with beautiful blue eyes. 

"Oh yes sorry, I just want to take a photo of this garden." She nodded and I snapped a photo of the page. This photo didn't do it justice. I made sure I captured the title of the page so I could look at it when I got home. 

"Here you are ma'am." Her lips turned into a smile and she whispered thankyou as she walked away. I watched as she walked to a seat in the corner and I knew she was here for the same reason as me. Everyone in this room was.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

The ticking of the clock is beginning to get on my nerves. The door opens and she calls my name "Shayna." As I lift myself off the seat, I glance at the clock one more time before entering the room, 1.30pm. I had been lost in my imagination for thirty minutes?

I seat myself back in the chair in her office, and she sits right in front of me. "Shayna, I have the results," this is it, my moment of truth, "I'm sorry, but it's breast cancer." I glance over to the clock in here, 1.32pm. 

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