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Paring: Dan and Phil

Warning: Kidnapping and mentions of homophobia 

I did it for him Dan thinks as the bullet plunges into his chest, his breath hitching as he thinks of Phil for the last time. “I love you Phil.” Dan says to himself as his eyes close for the final time. 

                           ~~~~~ Earlier that day~~~~

“Happy anniversary” Phil says as he clinks his glass with Dan’s and kisses him. Dan and Phil had been together for four years, four marvelous years and with each passing year Phil loves Dan more and more. 

“You know you didn’t have to do all this, Phil” Dan says gesturing to the fancy dinner Phil had set up for him

“Of course I did. I have the most perfect boyfriend ever and he deserves a perfect meal” Phil says as he hands Dan his dinner. They were of course having his favorite, Asian stir fry but Phil had made it as if they had gone out to eat. He set up candles and they were having wineand there were rose petals everywhere.

“If anyone is perfect around here it’s you.” Dan says and kisses his boyfriend before digging into meal. It was amazing and Dan was thankful to have a boyfriend who knew how to cook as he messed up almost every meal. “This is amazing Phil, I don’t think you could do any better than this.” Dan says as he continues to eat.

“I’m glad you like it” Phil says smiling. 

After dinner Dan and Phil were cuddling on the couch watching Great British Bakeoff when they heard a thud at the door. “What was that?” Phil said looking toward the door. 

“I don’t know. I’ll go check” Dan said getting up and going over to the door. When he opened it he saw a man dressed in all black with a gun and his eyes went wide. “Give me everything or you the boy dies” the man said pointing his gun at Dan. 

“No please we don’t have anything.” Phil pleaded as he watched the man shove the gun closer to Dan causing Dan to flinch. 

“That’s bull. You can’t live in London and have nothing. Now give me things now or he dies” 

Phil petrified starts collecting things to give to man but Dan stopped him. “Phil stop” Dan said and he turned to face the man. “Look we’re only YouTubers and don’t have much but it’s obvious you want something so…” Dan took a deep breath before continuing. “So take me but you have to promise not harm my boyfriend.” 

Phil started to cry and begged Dan not to go. “Please Dan no I’ll give him whatever he wants I can’t lose you.”

“No Phil what if he isn’t happy with what we give him and he kills us both” Dan says. “So what’ll it be?” he asks the man

The man smiled “So you’re a gay?” 

Dan nodded. “Yes I am”

Great I hate gays. I’ll take you up on your deal and let your boyfriend go.” The man said and took Dan by the arm “Oh and don’t you dare think of calling the cops.” The man said to Phil. 

Phil looks to Dan, tears streaming down his face. “Do what he says Phil. I love you so much” he says as the man pulls him through the door.

“I love you too” Phil whispers and with Dan is gone never to be seen again by Phil. 

After Dan and the man get outside the man shoves Dan into a car and blindfolds him

“Where are we going?” Dan asks

“Just shut up. We’re going to a place no one will ever find you” the man says and Dan keeps quiet

A few hours later and Dan is sitting in a chair in a dark room. “Why are we here? Why haven’t you killed me already?” Dan asks squirming 

“Oh I I’ll kill you soon but I just want to have some fun before I do” The man says and goes over to Dan and beings to punch him “This is for being gay” the man says bruising every part of Dan’s body making Dan go numb 

After what seems like eternity the man stops punching Dan and grabs his gun. “Any last words?” the man asks as he cocks the gun. 

Dan has last words but he won’t say them out loud. The man doesn’t need to know what they are so he closes his eyes and shakes his head.

“Okay boy. Well this is it then.” He says and shoots Dan. 

I did it for him Dan thinks as the bullet plunges into his chest, his breath hitching as he thinks of Phil for the last time. “I love you Phil.” Dan says to himself as his eyes close for the final time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2013 ⏰

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