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As I enter the library a cool breeze hit my face and silence filled the air.

The place was deserted except for the librarian who happened to be sleeping on her desk.

"How professional" I mutter under my breath.

I choose 1 of the many desks to sit at, take in the noiseless essence and pullout my notebook.

I flip through the many pages I have already scribbled on and finally find a blank one.

Note to self:
Buy a new notebook

I sit in my chair wondering what I would write about.

One thing and one thing only enters my mind. Ethan Dolan.

"Ethan Dolan" I say as I title my poem .

Ethan Dolan

I love the way your name rolls off many tongues. I love the way you take the breath out of my lungs. I love the way you brought me the slightest sunlight when all I saw was rain..

"Watcha writing?" I hear as I swiftly close my journal and turn to see Ethan standing behind me with a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh well uh nothing really just notes for math class" I replied as I gave him a cheesy grin.

He snickered and took a seat next to me.
"So what are you doing here all by yourself?" He questions with a slight look of concern on his face.

"I don't have anywhere else to go" I directly reply

"Come hang out in the hall like the rest of this school" he tells me. "I'd rather not be humiliated by the whole school but thanks" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Well then I'll stay here with you" he replied giving me a cheeky grin. "We still have  about 7 more minutes and I'd like to get to know you."

I stare at him for what seemed like forever until I finally found the right words. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" I question.

He let out a small laugh "Jada I really do want to get to know you."I stare at him a little while longer just because his face was quite tantalizing.

"What's to know." I start off "I'm an only child, my parents try to ignore my existence, and everyone at school hates me."

"Hey don't talk like that." Ethan said giving me a slight nudge "I don't hate you."

I gave him a weak smile "that's because you're new here" I replied. Before he could open his mouth to say anything the bell rang.

I gathered my things shoving them into my backpack. Before leaving I noticed Ethan was sitting down on his phone.

"You know if you don't start leaving now you're gonna be late" I informed.

"Nah I could just say I got lost trying to find the classroom or something." He replied with a wink.

Shaking my head I make my way out of the library and head towards English class.

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