
24 2 0

Now entering the best and most awesome city in existence...


10% __

30% _____






isn't it beautiful? ^^

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isn't it beautiful? ^^


We need a fam!

^^^^^^^ The most glorious website evah!

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The most glorious website evah!

Anons 2k16

This is a book of awesomeness. So idek what to do next...

This is Row's magical font:


This is mine:


Notice that mine didn't change.

That's because Row is the weird one. She embraces that.

She will do the second half of this chapter...


HelLO PeEpLes (yes I know I spelled that wrong)

iTzA RoWboAt dOiNg thE sEcOnD hAlF oF tHis

iM lAzY sO...

iM lAzY sO

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bYe EnJoY oUR WonDeRFuL CiTy!----

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bYe EnJoY oUR WonDeRFuL CiTy!

Rowan is no help -_-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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