Dream Date #1: Backstory

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The smell of the alley consumes me, makes me one. I step up to the counter, not expecting anything besides the same hot bowling guy. He welcomes me with a small smile, not the usual small glance. I look into his rich, dark blue eyes and see an unfamiliar light. Ever sense the first day I walked into alley and saw him, he's the only thing I've ever wanted, well besides the Junior Gold Championship. He's never really given me the time of day, but one day I was hoping that would change. Could that be today? Once he gives me my lane assignment, I walk away. I wasn't even sure what really happened, could I just be imagining it? I don't know. I just wanted to bowl and then call my best friend later to figure it out.

As I reach the magical lane 10 (it's kinda my lucky lane), I see someone has their name in lane 9. I hate sharing a ball return with some untalented loser. Whatever, I need to practice for Junior Gold. Focus Elizabeth. Focus.

Once my 6 Storm balls are all set and my name is entered, I grab my go-to Snap Lock and position myself for my first shot. As it releases, I feel the strike within me. With a good "crash" sound, I can tell it's done exactly what I wanted it to do. I turn around and see the hot bowling alley guy, standing there smiling. What was he doing here? And why is his smile so intriguing?

"Hey Elizabeth. I hope you don't mind, but I really wanted to bowl next to you, I was actually hoping to practice with you? In a few weeks I'm joining the PBA and I really could use some input from someone with great talent like yours." He says, looking at his feet. Could this ACTUALLY be happening?

"Umm.. Sure I'd love to help out a fellow bowler." I say, almost as uncertain as I was actually feeling. This couldn't be happening, I must have been sleeping. I pinch myself and yelp. That actually hurt... I'M NOT DREAMING!

"Oh and by the way, my name is Kevin." His hair is pushed back, those blonde locks could put someone in a coma. How am I supposed to practice with my dream guy right here, watching every move I make? I can't.

I decide that today can just be a test, how well can I do with distractions? I'm guessing it's not going to be good, but there's no harm in trying.

I watch him throw a couple strikes, most are pretty good actually. A few were lucky shots but surely he ends with a nice 256. And he said he needed my help. I decide to get in a game.

Every time I walk up to my spot, I feel his eyes on me, I feel the pressure rising inside me. I mess up a lot, almost didn't even hit 200. Just barely ended with a score of 223.

"Hey, nice game." Kevin says, gosh his voice just sends chills down my back. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your focus."

How did he know? Is it that obvious? "Oh no, it's fine."

He nods his head and goes back to his bowling. All of his scores were in the higher 200's, this boy doesn't need help at all. Why did he actually want to bowl next to me? I think it's about time to find out.

"Hey Kevin," I say, confident as can be. "Considering your scores, I highly doubt you wanted help from me. Why did you really want to bowl next to me?"

"Well, it looks like you caught me. I'm sorry for lying to you, but to be honest, I really like you." He says. My eyes widen, my jaw drops to the floor. "Everyday you come and you bowl and you practice. You're so dedicated and I love that about you. With your brown, silky hair and beautiful, blue eyes... I don't know how I couldn't like you."

What do I say? Do I play it cool? Do I say I like him too? Do I just run away?!? I have no idea what to do. "Ummm... Well... I... Uhh..."

"I understand." He looks so disappointed. Oh no. Am I going to lose him? WHAT DO I DO? "Why would an amazing girl like you, ever like a guy like me?"

"No, no. That's not it." Play it cool Elizabeth. Play it cool. "I actually like you too."

The next few seconds happened so fast, it was almost a blur. The next thing I knew, my lips were on his, his hands on my waist. It was almost too beautiful to be true. As we stood there, in our own little world, the people around us all seemed to disappear. Everyone was gone and it was just us. Well, maybe that was because we were the only ones there to begin with. Finally we stopped and looked into each other's eyes and I knew right then and there that everything would be different.

"Elizabeth, will you allow me the honor to take you out on a date tonight? I know it's really last minute but I can't wait another day." His eyes sparkle, his words flow into my ears, straight into my soul. It's almost overwhelming, but it's still all I can think about.

"Kevin, I'd be crazy to say no."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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