Munch Munch

42 1 4

          The cold air of winter blew threw the open windows, causing the large curtains to flap in chaotic manner.
The sounds of a busy city poured into the large bedroom, covering the moans and cries of eating ass.
The two figures were shaking slightly, the pleasure of eating ass taking over all other emotions.
All they knew at the moment was ass.

And that is all they will ever know 


Like and comment if you want to see more poems like this!!! This is my first poem I've ever write so I* hope you liked it!! Support and advice would be appreciated :)))) FAVORITE (there is no favorite you absolute piece of shit) IF YOU LIKE ASS xD rawe\r 

 - mod adrianna******

dumbass if ur trying to prank using   my name, prank me, whatever, use the name I use on Wattpad.

~Adrianna rawr xD

rawz xD WAT u mean!???????! dis me??? lolcakes xD. You Dumb Bitch

 -mod mariah rawrz xD

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 -mod mariah rawrz xD

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