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All characters and events in this book are completely imaginary and fictional. If any characters, events, scenes are related to people in in real life, it is completely co-incidental.

All works in this book is mine. I put a lot of my effort and time in my works, so please do not steal. Not being insensitive, or accusing anyone, but that is really shallow.


This book may have many grammar and spelling mistakes. I try my best to proof read each chapter before I publish it, however at times it may go unsaved. Thus I am sorry if I trigger anyone. 

This is a sequel to Survivor. So if you have not read Survivor I urge you to go ahead and read it first. I wrote Survivor when I was 16. Sometimes I re-read it and cringe also, so yeah. I actually wanted to go back and change a few things, but I realized that I wouldn't be fair to my 16-year-old self because it was the best that she  could come up with at that time and I want to commemorate her and applaud her for her effort. So yeah. Thanks for enjoying Survivor while you did and welcome to Survived. 

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