It all started at Cross Academy

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It all started at Cross Academy

This story is completely made up if any scenes are the same as someone else's story i did not copy write it  everything is from my head and the help of BloodDollRaven. Credit for characters and weapons goes to those who have created them, as seen bellow.  

The mortal instruments = Cassandra Clare

Vampire Knight = Matsuri Hino

Shugo Chara = Peach-Pit

and BloodDollRaven for the creation of Blue and Black Rose, Raven Asuka, her weapon Hades and she made the cover.

keep in mind this is my first ever story


^^^Infinity’s POV^^^

“Infinity it’s time to get up you leave for Cross Academy today” I heard my mom yell over the sound of my music. I groan and look over at my clock and see that it is 7:00 in the morning, under my breath I mumble “five more minutes” and fall back asleep. Only to be woken up again by my mom yelling at me and using her anti-vampire gun to shoot me, thank god they can’t kill humans. Yes you heard me right I said anti-vampire gun which means vampires and all other supernatural creatures are real as well. You see an evil vampire killed my dad while my mom and I were out, you wonder how we knew it was a vampire? Well my parents are vampire hunters, but we are not like normal hunters we actually like vampires in fact my best friend is one, but we only kill the evil one’s.

***Hours Later***

“Rose are you finished packing yet?” my mom yelled from the bottom of the steps, “Almost I just need to pack my weapons!” I yelled back slightly out of breath from packing my bags. “Wow that was a lot of work” I said to my empty room. I felt my mom’s presence in my doorway, “Now to wrestle them into the car” she commented to herself.

***Hours Later***

Wow this place is huge, they also have a huge gate. “and it looks like I’m walking from here with all my bags” I grumbled to myself as I started the trek to the school. About 15 minutes later I finally made it to the main building, when I got there someone took my bags but I kept the one with my weapons because I know that Cross Academy has vampires and that I would be living with them. As I was waiting to talk to headmaster Cross I couldn’t help but feel like I am being watched, so I started looking around and as I was doing that I felt the presence of someone trying to sneak up on me so I readied myself for a fight that never came? I looked up and saw some guy had an older looking man pinned to the floor. I overheard them talking “Why do you have to be so creepy” whisper yelled the young man, “I’m not being creepy, I was just going to greet her” whisper yelled the creepy man, “You don’t have to do it like that!” the young man said. Wow I really should learn their names I thought to myself. The creepy guy got off the floor and walked up to me “you must be the new student Infinity Mizuki” he said “Yep that's me, but who are you?” I questioned “Oh I’m Headmaster Cross and this young man who you just seen is Jace Wayland and he will show you to your room” Mr. Cross said while he was nodding towards Jace, “So where is her room at?” commented Jace “Her room is in the Moon dorm on the second floor, her bags are already there” he replied “THE MOON DORM! WHY IS SHE STAYING THERE? YOU KNOW WHAT LIVES THERE AND SHE IS JUST A HUMAN!” Jace yelled in outrage to Mr. Cross, “I’ll be just fine there in fact I practically demanded to live there” I said with a slight smirk playing on the corner of my lips, “WHAT? HOW? WHY? Why would you want to live there, you don’t even know what lives there!!” Jace yelled to me “I know about vampires and other supernatural creatures, I am a hunter, plus my best friend is one” I replied with a full on smirk as he stood there speechless. Mr. Cross just laughed and wished me luck on my first day or night here.

***Some time later***

Jace and I reached the Moon dorm and when we walked in everyone stood still. The vampires were trying their hardest to fight their hunger I could tell because their eyes were crimson and their fangs were fully extended. I felt her presence before I could even see her and I knew that she was a pureblooded vampire. I could tell that I was going to have a lot of fun here.

^^^Raven’s POV^^^

I was sitting in my room reading over some papers that Headmaster Cross gave me saying that a new student has come and that they will be living in the Moon dorm and after that it didn’t really say much. Just as I got done signing I felt two people walk up to the building, it is probably just a few day students trying to get an autograph from us I said in my head, so I decided to wait a bit before I go down there but then I felt that everyone was off and got a few messages saying to get down here so I went. Just before I got to the stairs I smelt that it was two humans and one was nervous but probably had a death  glare on their face and the other one was happy? Ok that is weird oh well. As I got to the steps and looked down I seen Jace Wayland a day student and a young girl with long silver hair with bangs that are long enough to hide her eyes when needed, and she was really really short  she barley came up to Jace’s chest and he was just over 6 feet tall. She also had an air of confidence around her and it looked as if she has been around vampires before. Well if she is living here maybe this place will be more fun.

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