Chapter One, Letter

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Chapter One Letter

A brown haired girl sat on the large comforter that caressed her bed sheets. In her hands was a large book, and she appeared to be focusing in on the words intently. Brooke didn't have the best vision in the world when it came to close up words, but she loved a good book. Usually it was the only thing that took her mind off the blood-sucking Vampires that she lived with.

The blue eyed teen had been a sacrificial bride for quite a while, she's seen all the ups and downs of the guys, and even has Nicknames for all of them. It was summer, though, thinking back to her life before the brothers she sighed. During the summer her family would take a two-week long vacation, stopping in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for about eleven days, then going down to Daytona, Florida for about five or six days to watch the summer race, staying in a camper the whole time. She loved this trip that she had been doing for her whole life.

But now she was stuck in a creepy old mansion with Vampires and couldn't go on vacation. Quietly she sat her book down on the oak dresser in her large room before walking out into the dreary halls. The brunette remembered when she first came here, she tried to run away all the time down this hall. Brushing her pale fingers across the wall it collected dust, which she blew off.

Across from her appeared an all-so-familiar red head. The vampire stalked up towards Brooke, not a care in the world that changed his stride. "Go away Ayato.." Her voice was a mix between worried and depressed as the mellow words left her mouth. He only continued his walk. Turning away from the vampire her crystal eyes gave all of her emotions away. "Oi, Bookie," That was his dumb and stupid nickname for the latest of his sacrificial brides. "Why do you look like someone ate your breakfast?" Admittingly Ayato had eaten her plates of food sometimes, knowing that the female would skip meal always complaining about how she 'was too fat to be pretty' or something. He really didn't pay attention.

"I just kinda wish I could go on vacation to the Beach like I used to." While her melancholy words rang around the room, the male didn't have anything to say. He'd never been to a Beach, he and his brothers burnt quite easily also so that was a large factor. Brooke on the other hand never tanned, even though she wished she did, and only burnt like the brothers. Even if she was only a blood bag for the brothers Ayato cared for the female like a little sister, almost all of them did. "Hey don't worry, you can still hang out with us..?" Nightschool had been officially out for the summer, surprisingly like other schools.

While Brooke's mood hadn't changed the red haired male decided he still wasn't helping and left to see if one of his other brothers could cheer her up. The brunette kept walking down the hall and towards the main floor where Subaru and Kanato were. Still depressed she sat down on one of the couches, wondering about how she would spend her summer now. "Brooke?" The Albino male looked over his shoulder towards the girl. Usually, in his sight, she was always carrying a book or drawing, but always happy.

His brother instincts kicked in and his fist collided with the wall. "Who was it?" Angered Subaru replied to his own words. When she didn't reply his tone became sharper. "Tell me who hurt you? Was it Laito? If it is tha-" Interrupting him she spoke, her voice raised also. "It was no one!" Kanato stared at the two intently, not sure of what to make of the situation. "It's probably that time of the month." While his voice rang throughout the room Brooke's cheeks raised in temperature, as well did Subaru's.

"N-no... it's not that.." Sitting down on one of the cushioned seats she tucked her head in between her knees. "Then what is it Brookie.." Usually the brunette would be annoyed by that nickname again but this time, she ignored the teasing. "I was just thinking about my old summers back home... I wish I could go on vacation like I used to.." Just like the red head Kanato and Subaru seemed to freeze up, unable to say anything to comfort the girl or heed her wishes.

"I'll be back... I'm a bit hungry.." With another sigh, she walked away from the main living room and towards the kitchen. It had a large interior and plenty of food for her to snack on. Opening one of the pale cabinets her hand grasped a bag of chips and brought them down. Upon opening the bag it made a large 'pop' sound and a few chips fell on the floor. Hoping that no one would see her and the embarrassing feat. Getting down on her knees she collected the discarded food and threw them in the waste bin so she wouldn't accidentally eat them.

"I thought you were on a diet Brooooooke...?" She knew who's voice that was. 'Laito....' Without turning around she ignored the fedora wearing male and continued to snack on her chips. His Jade eyes scanned over her state and a smile perked at his lips. "Eh? Did Shuu deny you or something?" Her previously red cheeks had returned, somewhat more than before. Brooke had only shared her secret affection for the eldest brother with Laito, and he had kept her secret. "No..." He gave a small laugh. He had nothing else to do with her now. "Then I'll see you later Brookie.." With that, the copper haired male teleported off.

Finishing her chips the brunette walk out of the kitchen and sat at the bottom of the stairs near the entrance. Her mind was now only clouded with thoughts of despair. Looking up to see the raven hair of Rejii Brooke panicked inside, afraid that she had done something wrong. "There's a letter for you.." Handing The pale envelope her Rejii waited for it to be read. He was going to read it himself but reading others mail is rude. Gliding her fingernail across the top it opened, and she pulled out the paper inside, starting to scan it with her crystal eyes.

Dear Daughter,

Your father and I were just wanting to check on you, see how you were doing with the brothers..... I hope you could still forgive us by sending you there... While we were planning our Yearly vacation we were called by your Aunt Diane. She discussed with us that your Uncle is very sick, which we must go down and help with. Then I thought about all the food and the money we spent for the vacation, and how it would be wasted, then you came to mind. Your living with teen boys, right? Surely they eat a lot of food. Was it six of them right? There're enough beds in the camper for all of you.. and don't even think about sleeping on the master with one of them! What I'm trying to say is you and the brothers are welcome to go on our vacation for us....

After finishing reading the letter Brooke's eyes seemed to glow with passion and excitement. 'We can go! We can go!' Running into the main living room to see all the boys were gathered, talking in hushed voices. Brooke didn't care, she was practically jumping out of her clothes. "Guys we're going on vacation!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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