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"Momma! Momma!" Thalia Yells while jumping on Her parents bed waking them. Stiles groaned.

"What is it 'Lia?" Stiles asked while Sitting up in the bed wiping the sleep away from his eyes. Thalia stands and starts jumping on the bed.

"I wanna go'side and play!" Thalia squealed. Derek growled playfully and scooped his daughter up in his arms, Nuzzling her hair and licking her scratch on her forehead. Thalia huffs.

"Daddy.. You're messing up my hair!" Thalia stated while trying to push Derek off. He chuckles and lets her go. She holds out her arms to Stiles. He smiles and wraps her in his arms and kisses her forehead.

"Are you hungry 'Lia?" Stiles asked. Thalia nodded.

"Yes' m ; But I wanna Go'Side first!" Thalia whined. Stiles kissed her forehead.

"Okay.. You can go outside while I cook breakfast.. But.. You have to stay where I can see you!" Stiles demanded. Thalia nodded, Kissed her momma on the forehead and jumped down and ran out the door. Derek laughed.

"She's a mess!" Derek stated while shaking his head. Stiles nodded.

"She sure is.. But that's kids for you Der! I'm sure Lauras going to be a handful as well!" Stiles stated while rubbing his 21 week large stomach. Derek smirked and rubbed His mates Stomach.

"Nah, Laura will be well behaved! She'll have your genes!" Derek cooed. Stiles scoffed.

"Just Like you said Thalia would have my Genes? , You were wrong there!" Stiles laughed. Derek rolled his eyes.

"Come on Mama Stiles, Lets go cook baby some breakfast!"


"Thalia!  Come on and eat.. Its time for- Ouch.. what the?" Stiles said while twisting his body. He turns slowly around to find Peter standing in the doorway with Thalia in his hands. Stiles gasps but then feels Blood. He looks down at his Stomach and sees An Arrow Sticking out of his side. Dripping blood and Purple liquid. Stiles sinks to the ground and starts to cry. Peter has a smirk on his face.

"MAMA NO!" Thalia cries. Just then Derek comes running down the stairs but stops dead in his tracks at the sight.

"Peter.. What are you doing!" Derek growls. Peter smirks.

"What I've always been good at nephew.. Being the bad guy! " Peter states while kissing Thalias forehead.

"Put her down Peter, And no one has to get hurt! " Derek demanded. Peter cackled, Then pointed the bow that he was holding at Stiles.

"Thalia or Stiles Derek.. Make your choice!" Peter hissed. Stiles shook his head. And Thalia started wailing.

"Derek.. Pick Thalia. . You know its the right thing to do.. Derek.. Please pick Thalia!" Stiles begged. Derek nodded. He turned to Stiles and tears fell from his eyes.

"I Love You Stiles.." Derek croaked.

"I Love you too Der..Now be the hero!" Stiles stated. Thalia shrieked.


"No baby.. This is what we have to do to keep you safe.. I promised you once when you were younger that I would show you this beautiful world and what it had in store for you.. But now I can't, But your daddy can .. This is the world you were born In Thalia, And now you have to learn how to live in it.. The hardest thing in this world sometimes, is to live in it.. But the only way you can heal from bad things that happen to you is to carry on living.. And that's what I want you to do Thalia. . Live.. For me.. I know you don't understand right now.. But you will someday.. I love you.. Always hold on to that! " Stiles cried. Derek was on his knees at this point reaching for Thalia.

"So that's your choice?" Peter asked with a smirk. Derek nodded and Stiles whispered yes.

"No! NO! ... DADDY NO.. SAVE MAMA.. COME ME LATER.. DADDY.. NOOO.. MAMA.. I LOVE YOU MAMA!" Thalia cried. Stiles looked away from his daughter and choked.

"I choose Thalia, Peter.. Give me her.. And do what you have to.. You win!" Derek stated. Peter smirked.

"I actually have a better Idea" Peter barked then shot Derek in the sromach with the wolfsbane laced arrow and roared.

"DADDY!" Thalia shrieked. Derek growled.

"PETER. IM WARNING YOU. LET HER GO, OR WHEN I FIND YOU. YOU WILL DIE A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH!" Derek Snarled. Peter smirked and turned and walked out of the door with Thalia. Stiles cried.

"NO! THALIA! DEREK.. GET UP AND GET HER..... DEREK? .... DEREK.." Stiles cried. Derek was stunned. Frozen in place as he watched his Uncle walk off with his daughter. Tears welled up in his eyes and he roared. Stiles winced and covered his ears at the sound. Then all of a sudden Stiles started Throwing up blood. And a sharp pain Hit him in his Stomach causing him to screech. He was too focused on pain that he didn't even notice Derek had him in his arms. Stiles looked up at Derek and let tears fall freely.

"Derek.. Lauras gone too.." Stiles sobbed. Derek squeezed his mate and let a hatred grow deep within him.

"I know.. I know baby... We'll get Thalia back.. I'll bet my life on that!"

*Prologue, (the epilogue from book one) Chapter One will be up later. too many feels. anyway vote, and comment and feed back. you all know the deal xoxo* p.s I'm still crying smh.. so horrible!

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