Any way I say it I still feel lost.... It's like I can't talk.. I what but no one truly listens... Or they brush it off and say "oh it's no big deal" well maybe not to you... But it is to me..
I'm tired of being a loser...
I'll never get tired of thinking I'm overrated
I'm not tired of making new scars
But I am tired of the feeling that I am being teased
Have to admit I love the feeling of being lost..
People call me crazy people call me insane... But at the end of the day who is anyone to say.
No one knows me and no one knows my journey.
But one day when I was alone sad and had a bad day I found my friend lost and alone just like me. It brought such comfort and made me feel alive again made me feel like I had never felt in the entire world. People call me stupid people say I'm dumb but of they only knew what all that made me do. They say they wish id stop but they don't show any effort. They say call Ill always be there.. "I called you didn't answer and now I'm bleeding more than ever, guess all I can say is thanks for being there more like never" I don't know how to cope with the things in my life. Even though I don't have it bad I still deal with things that u don't understand I don't know why your even reading this. I'm not worth a dime so u don't waste your time. I just need a place to vent a place to share the way I feel I don't want anyone to know this was all just a rant... Please don't disregard my page... I promise there will be better days. Maybe soon I'll find the way and I won't be lost.....
Even though I love being