Heist Of Vices

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Posted at the large glass exterior doors to the Bank of Sevenfield was a young man, in his early thirties. Fresh out of the police Academy at the local community college, he was new to the world around him. Following in his father's footsteps has always been his dream, and it was now a reality. Watching over the city and those who live there, enforcing the law to keep those around him safe, and making sure the gears continue to turn in the society he lives in... While also making a decent pay, of course. He stood tall and proud, confident that he could surpass his father and carry on the tradition of becoming a member of the Sevenfield police force. His father had been killed in action at the rightful age of 54 after trying to rescue a young woman being held in a house at gunpoint, all when the young man was a mere 16 years old. The young man was correct, however, as he would follow in his father's footsteps. A 5.56 round to the chest, fired from a gunmetal gray assault rifle. And there he lie, much like his father, protecting the city from those who seek the life of crime.

Rushing forward in a full sprint was Salem, armed with a small handgun. "What the hell was that, Rex? We can't just shoot the place up! What happened to 'discretion is key'?"

"F*** off Salem. He was armed. You should be thanking me for saving your cowardly self."

After reaching the front doors of the bank, the seven men lined up in formation. "Are you guys ready or not?"

"Aye, we are Goblin."

Goblin was a smaller man, around 5 feet, 4 inches. He weighed no more than 105 pounds due to the lack of both muscle and fat. "Alright boys, let's roll!" commanded Rex in a well-projected voice. Goblin smiled in joy, Ornate stood tall and proud, Rex growled in a bloodlust, Salem took a swig from his silver flask, Heart eyed down the M4A1 assault rifle Rex was carrying, Morbus mumbled about the possible riches inside, and Dreamer slouched against the wall, waiting for the rest to make their move. Goblin leaned around the corner and pushed the door open, allowing the others to charge forward, then followed them in. With a booming roar, Rex announced his presence to the tellers behind the counter and the few citizens withdrawing and depositing money. "Step back from the counters, my dearest friends. Press any buttons, I'll pull the trigger." A panic began to arise in the crowd of people, some trying to run, others lying down and hoping they don't get shot. "I'll stay by the door and make sure none escape."

"Just like you Dreamer. Always missing out on the fun."

Forcing a hostage to the counter, his gun to her head, Morbus demanded that the pretty, young teller behind the counter lead them to the vault room. "I will never help you! You shot Linus! You killed him! He did noth-"

A loud, thundering echo, some spattered blood, and the thump of a fallen "hero" instilled fear into the other tellers. "I'm so sorry about your friend. It is a shame. But hey, now you can see him, right?"

"Morbus, quit talking to the dead and grab her damned passcard."

Morbus jumped the counter and slipped the card out of her pocket, then opened the door with the card and continued down the hallway. All but Dreamer and Salem followed, in great haste. "The vault should be down the hallway a bit further, then we need to take the stairwell on our right." spoke Goblin. Keeping his handgun true to its name, he held the gun pointing straight ahead of him as he made his advance. Upon spotting the door that read "Stairwell 4B", Goblin ran up next to it. The other four followed close behind. "Who wants in first?"

"I'll do it. It's time I showed you men how it's done." Heart leaned around Goblin, readied herself to charge in when Goblin opened the door, and was then knocked back as the door was kicked open. She fell back against the wall, slid down until she sat on the ground, and was then shot twice in a swift 'pop pop' by an older security guard. Rex lunged forward and grabbed the guard's handgun with one hand, threw his other hand in a fist at the man's face, then ducked down and slammed him into the wall. The guard had a look of terror on his face, stunned from the collision. In a rage, Rex kneed the guard in the crotch, swung at the man's face again, ripped the gun from his hand, then fired off 6 rounds, finishing off the clip. He then kicked the dead guardsman's corpse repeatedly while muttering a few words that are best unheard.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2013 ⏰

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