the kidnaping

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It all started a normal day nothing out of the ordinary. Sean got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. After sean was done with breakfast he got his bookbag and headed out the door to go to school. At lunch Sean got a text message from his dad it read: Sorry Sean i cant pick you up from school today you will have to walk home. As the day came to a near Sean's friend Jermey said mind if i walk home with you Sean replied not at all. Sean and Jermey were at the end of the corner when out of no were a black van stopped in front of them 4 men got out of the black van and grabbed the two boys and threw them in the van all Sean remebers is a very painfull tingel in his neck then things went black. After a few hours Sean woke thinking it was a bad dream untill he noticed his legs were tied up then his nightmare became a horrbile reality. As Sean became more aware of his surroundings he stopped to think how he could get out of this. Jermey was nowere in sight just as Sean was about to give up thinking and start panicing agian he rememberd he had a pocket knive in his back pocket. Sean struggled for awhile trying to get the knife out of his pocket. As Sean got the knife out he tried to slide it up to the back of his chair. He started to cut the duct tape around his hands off as he struggeld he heard the door creak open what he saw rolling down the stairs starteld him it was Jermey the horrific sight caused him to drop his knife. As Jermey lay knocked out at the bottom Sean threw himself over in the chair he was strapped to and  grabbed the knife.Sean was now out of the restraints now what he thought to himself. Sean came up with a plan. He used the chiar he sat on to bust out a low window and his pocket knife to cut off Jermeys restraints. Just as the two friends slipped out the window the kidnappers started to walk downstairs. Sean was one the outside of the building and Jermey was right behind him. Jermey and Sean reached the road just as a police cruiser was driving up the road. The two boys got the officers attention by setting off some firecrackers remaing from the 4th of july. As the car pulled up to the scene gunfire eruppted from the house the boys had escaped from. Jermey Sean and the officer all ducked behind the open door of the cruiser the officer crawled into his car and called for back-up swat had to sourrond the building. 3 s.w.a.t members broke down the door as 1 threw in a smoke gernade. Thier was alot of noise and scilence 5 minutes later the s.w.a.t drug out 4 hitmen in hand cuffs. James, Bill, Spencer and Jason was the name of the kidnappers. Now they are spending life in jail with no chance for parol. They are all butterfingers and drop alot of things so they should have fun in the showers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2011 ⏰

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