She's In The Stars

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Authors Note 

So yeah, I wrote a thing. It's written backwards (as in it goes backwards in time!),  just in case you get confused aha. I hope you like it & if you do please vote, comment, share etc.

They could do nothing but watch. Watch as her ashes flew in the wind, as her existence scattered and faded into the night sky. A young man held his crying daughter in his arms as the new born baby wailed into the darkness.

She was too young to understand. But one day, she will.

One day, she'll know just how incredible her mother really was.

"Hush, Cassie. Don't cry, baby girl. Mummy is still with us," he murmured calmly into his daughter's hair. But even as those words fell from his lips, he couldn't help the gentle flow of tears that fell from his own eyes.

The tiny girl looked up at him with wide eyes that reflected the soft glow of the stars above them. Her crying stopped completely. He smiled down at her, before turning his head to look up at the sky. "She's in the stars now, where she's always belonged."


"Ellie!" He cried out as he burst into the hospital room. He was by her side immediately, taking hold of his wife's hands in sheer desperation as her eyes began to drain of colour. "Ellie, love, please don't leave me. Not now, not when we have our new baby girl in our lives."

Her lip trembled and a tear rolled down her cheek. She looked up at her husband with pained eyes, her face already twisted with sorrow.

"I'm sorry," she whispered hoarsely. Her eyes flittered down the bed to the child in the cot; a child that was barely a day old. She'd only held her daughter once, and if she'd known that that would have been the last time then she would have treasured that moment so much more. A huge sob made her chest tremor as she turned away in distress. "So sorry."

"No, Ellie no," he insisted, falling to his knees at her bedside. "This isn't your fault. But Ellie, I am begging you right now – I don't know if I could do this without you."

She gave him a weak smile, her eyelids hooded a she peered up at him. "You're got a new star in your life now, George. We both have. And I know that you are going to take great care of her."

"We can take care of her together, Ellie. Just the way we dreamed it would be. You and I – a happy family..." He clung on to desperate hope, even though he was well aware of the inevitable. His wife's eyes began to shutter closed for the final time.

"I can see the stars now, George. I can almost touch them; they're so bright now," she whispered reverently.

And then she was gone, and both man and child cried in the room as the machines let out a long, endless beep.


The moment George arrived home from work, Ellie was already there. She'd fixed up dinner, set the table and was now waiting for him with a large grin on her face.

George looked at the scene in wonder, smiling at his wife. "What's the occasion?" He asked her, secretly trying to figure out if he'd forgotten anything important.

Ellie shook her head and gave him a giddy smile, unable to contain her excitement. "I've got a surprise for you. Close your eyes," she said. When George did do with a quirk of his lips, she held the stick out in front of her and told him to look. "I'm pregnant," she told him when his eyes land on the test.

"R-Really?" His voice cracked with emotion as he placed a hand on her stomach in wonder. "We're going to have a baby?"

"We're going to have a baby," she whispered happily, her eyes sparkling as she placed her hand over his.

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