Chapter 1

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Hi,I'm Penny,Pens for short. I'm in love with music.. I love writing songs. I love listening to music.. Music is pretty much my life other than this band I love.. One direction.. I went in concert last year but I never got to meet them. I got really peed off.. But atleast I'm going back this year and I actually have backstage tickets this time. When my mom gave them to me. I ran around my house atleast 6 times..



"Na na na na always like, yeah yeah yeah always like na na na! Thank you Seattle!!" Liam said as the boys and him exited to the side on the stage. "TIME TO GO BACKSTAGE!!" I thought in my head about to pee on myself. "What do I say when they come in? How do I react? Do I just stand there? Do I hug them? Idk!" I kept thinking in my head walking backstage. This big man walked up to me and asked " You one of the girls meeting them?" His name tag said Paul, he seemed nice, I guess.. "Well?" He said. " Oh! Yeah I'm sorry. I'm just nervous..." "Every girl is but your more calm. They will like that." He said walking me back into a room. "You can sit down love they will back in a minute.." He said to me as I sat down. The door opened. " HELLO LOVELY!" Niall said as he and the boys walked in calmly. "Hello, Me love my name is Louis!" "Well duh stupid she should know that she is a fan!" Liam said walking over to me and giving me a lift up. See I've always had a crush on Harry. I wonder if he'll like me? " Hello my princess, what is your name?" I got from Harry as he sat down beside me. " Penelope or Penny for short.. But everyone calls me Pens.." "Why do they call you 'Pens'?" Zayn said questionly. " Because I always have pens writing songs and singing all the time." "Do you have any with you so I can sign your picture here?" Harry said. "Always." I chuckled pulling out a pen out of my binder. "Is this your song book?" Liam said pulling a book out of the binder. "Yes. Would you like to read/sing one?" I asked. " Totally!" Niall said grabbing the book away from Liam. " Oh my god. These are really good 'Pens'" he said chuckling. Harry gently grabbed the book. " I love this one called ' Just Can't Let Her Go'!" "Thanks. I thought you guys would like that one.." I said to Harry. " Mind if we get a demonstration of it?" Louis said anxiously. "Hmm.. Sure..." I said nervously. I started singing " Brakes a bill-ion hearts I know I'm next in line but I don't mind. Ehh. Oh.oh.oh.oh. I want 'er everybody want 'er she knows it eh,eh,eh, I want her but I better run away. Ohhh! She so mean but I gotta love her an I just can't let her go I'm so whipped on a tiny little she's a sexy animal.." I stopped by Harry " Oh my gosh. Your voice it sounds like an angel....!" He said happily. " Paul stop all the fans from leaving! Hurry! Pens would you like us.. I mean you and us to sing that together on stage!?!?" He said anxiously waiting for my answer.. "OH MY GOD! Are you serious?" Harry nodded at me when I said that. The boys did to. "OMG! What do I do?" I thought in my head, my heart racing. A woman walked through the door " Hi love! My name is Lou, Lou Teasdale! I will be doing your makeup and outfit for going out on stage! Don't be scared I won't bite but Lux might!" She chuckled. " oh thanks?" Paul ran through the door. " They have all cane back in." he said to me and the boys. " Don't worry, You'll be fine!" He said to me. "Come on, I'll go with you pens!" Harry grabbed my hand a pulled me through the door with Lou. " Should I be scared?" I said to Harry. " No! If you want me to.. I'll stand right next to you babe!" "Yeah, yeah I'd like that!" I said happily. "Sit down love." Lou grabbed my hand and set me down in the styling chair. "Ok, so do you like curls or straight hair better? Do you like floral patterns? Do you like blue jean jackets? Do you wear hills? Brown preferably.."Um.., yes,yes,yes." " OK! Good!" Lou put curls and all Fort Knox on my face and body and outfit. I finally got out of the dressing room with everything on, Harry, lovely Harry was waiting right there for me out side the curtain. "Holy.Freakin.CheeseFries! You look Gorgeous.. Good job Lou!" "As always!" She says leaving. He gets up out of the chair and checks me out. " Lou will be right back. She's going to get you a microphone. "I'm scared Harry." I said to him with a shakey voice. He leans in and grabs my hips. "You will be fine. I love you." He leans in more and presses his lips against mine. " Ok! Ok! 'Nough live fest here!" Lou said turning me around and clipping a little box to my brown belt. Harry looked at me and smirked. " Ok! Show time boys! In 3!" The manager yelled out while the other boys walked in the room and got tiny, itty bitty waters out of the small fridge.Harry went to the fridge and grabbed 2 waters. 1 for me and the other for him. " Goodluck Pens!" Niall said looking at me while the others nodded. Louis skipped to his place on stage and the other boys did to. Lou told me to follow her up the stairs.i followed as commanded. " Ok, 'Pens' what you'll do when you hear a click step onto this platform, when the music starts, well.. You have it from there. Got it?" "Yeah..." I said nervously to Lou. "Don't worry the boys mess up all the time! You'll be great!" She walked back down the stairs. 1 minute later I heard the click. I jumped on the platform. I started lowering down. All I saw was light ....

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