Chapter 1-Sweet 16

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"Marinette! Get up!" I opened one eye to find my tiny red kawmi hovering right over my face. "You're going to be late for school! And on your birthday too!" I shot up straight out if bed and hurried to get dressed. Since today was special, I decided to wear a cute flower print dress, white and gold flats, and my hair down from their usual pigtails. It was September 18th. My birthday! My sweet 16 to be exact! It was the day I get my soulmate mark!

I was crossing my fingers and praying that it was going to be Adrien. I have had a crush in him since the 7th grade. He was a famous model, and he was the best known model in all of France! He was sweet, kind, polite, and caring! He was 6 foot 3, blond, and not to mention super hot with his mesmerizing green eyes.

Unfortunately, I couldn't check for my mark right now because school was starting soon. I ran out the door while a croissant in my hand. Oh no! I forgot my chocolates! I ran back inside and gathered all my presents. One for all of my closest friends, which consisted of Adrien, Alya, and Nino. Alya's gift was a purple wrapped box with a black bow, Nino's blue on red, and Adrien's white with a green ribbon. Even though it was my birthday, I wanted to give other people gifts instead of receiving them. I stayed up the last couple nights making them.

I rushed into the building but not many people were around. I whispered yelled, "Tikki.....I wasn't going to be late was I?" I heard snickering from inside my purse. I blew my bangs out I my face succeeding in only make them messier. Now what? I wandered into my home room class and took out my designer notepad. I added more detail to my dress for the party this Saturday. I had 5 days to make my dress, and I intended it to be the best I have ever made! This party was a shared birthday party between Adrien and me. His birthday was on Friday. I could tell that he was super excited since his father doesn't usually allow these things. The party was masquerade themed so masks were a must.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked to the left and saw my best friend Alya. She crushed me with a hug almost squeezing the air right out of me. "Happy birthday girl! Sweet 16! You look so cute today Mari! Have you found your soulmate mark yet?!" she squealed.

I giggled softly and tucked my bangs behind my ear. "Thanks Alya! No, I didn't look for it yet. I thought that I was going to be late again so I came right to school."

"Oh Mari. You didn't even bother to check the time?" She chuckled while patting my back.

"Hey, dudettes!" another voice said. It was Nino....with Adrien!!! My body temperature immediately rose.

"Hey guys! Before we do anything in honor of my birthday, I made everyone chocolates!" I handed out of the carefully wrapped boxes.

Each took a bite of their chocolate, all rolling their ese to the back of their head. "Mhm! Raspberry, my favorite Mari!" Alya giggled.

"Coconut! My favorite! Thank you so much dudette!" Nino said.

"You gave me carmel! You really know us, Marinette!" Adrien complimented. I immediately blushed.

"Thanks guys!" I felt accomplished.

"Happy birthday by the way. Hope your ready for the party this weekend!"

"Yep. All I need to do is my dress."

"Knowing you, it will be amazing! By the way Mari, I really like your hair down." He winked at me and made my heart almost melt.

"Alright class. We are going to start our lesson now." Mrs. Bustier said leaning against her desk.

The day went by fast. Alya and I walked to my house. Alya wanted to know who my soulmate was right away. Once we got home, we searched almost everywhere! We were about to give up, but I remember something. My hair. My hair was down. "Alya! Check the back of my neck!" I exclaimed!

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