The Sight (Short Story)

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“Xander,Watch out” said Ethan. As a goblin jumped at me with his spear between me and him. I leaned to the right. The spear just catching the side of my arm. I kept fighting. I couldn’t let them hurt her. Riley was the most important thing to me.

Hi, I’m Xander Night. Ever since my aunt mystically dissapered, I’ve been able to see goblins,fairies, and anything else that came from the never never. I thought they had something to do with her disapperance.So I went sneaking around places where I could see these creatures. I would see them everywhere in the little town of Starks. It was the perfect spot to stay hidden but also be free. Starks was a little town near the sandy river. Farms and Fields where the only things out there. I’ve lived out in Starks for 8 years now. My grandmother moved me out her to live with her. But if it wasn’t for my grandmother and her worries. I would never had meet Riley James. Riley went to my school every since I could remember. One day she ran into me while we where on the Farmington trail. I went to help her up when I saw a green tale slip into the forest. Blatant Beast. I grabbed her hand and started running. The Beast came after us. We weaved through trees and slid down the hill. We where both getting tired from the running. I didn’t know how much longer she could do. I skidded to a stop. There was another one that came trumping in front of us. We couldn’t go anywhere. I turned around to see where the other one was. He was looking at us like a tiger would a lamb. I turned around to eye the one in front of me. It was running at me. The Blatant leaped into the air with talons out. I closed my eyes. SMACK! Something had smacked the beast or I was dead. I opened my eyes to see a vine smacking the Blatant in front of me. That was when I learned that Riley James was like me. She could see the creatures that came from the never never. But she could use nature as her weapon. Thats how she’s involved in this tale. Now you heard about Ethan in the beginning. His the Iron Prince. We went to see him when the goblins started to chase Riley and I. We had to use a token that my aunt gave me. She left it in a letter that was left on her bed with some boxes after she disappered. It brought us to the never never. We had help from a cat named Sam. He brought us to the Iron Queen. Her name was Meghan.She lived in the human world when she was younger intill her brother Ethan got captured by the faries. They wanted her to join them and be their Queen. Thats when I figured out that my aunt had been dragged back to the never never so she could help them rescue some faries from the forgotten.So now Riley,My Aunt,Ethan and I have travelled back to the human world to fight the goblins that are attacking and killing people like us. 

There where to many of them. I don’t know how much longer we could keep them off.

I thumped a goblin on top of the head with my rattan stick.They had gotten over my protection and had started to attack Riley and My Aunt. I went to turn around when a goblin jumped on my back. He started to bite me. I tried to reach around and pull him off but I couldn’t reach that far. WACK!! Riley had hit it with a tree root that she was controlling. I turned around and hit two in the face with a paniful yelp coming from one. It seemed as if they where multiplying. I got distracted for just a minute and three jumped on top of me. I got hit in the back of the knee and collapsed on to the ground.

“Xander!!” Screamed Riley. Trying to get to me but couldn’t get through the goblins. It went dark. I felt pain from the goblins biting me. Then sudden brightness. It blinded me for a few minutes. Finally I made the outline of the goblins running away. I looked behind me to make sure Riley and my aunt where okay. Riley came running over to me. 

“Xander? Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yes!” I said while taking her in my arms. I looked over to where Ethan was. He and my mom weren’t there. I turned around to see my mom and dad talking to......... Meghan?

Riley and I  walked over to them.

“Are you okay sweetie?” My aunt said worried.Before I could answer Ethan said.

“ Kenzie, Honey stop worring!! His just got scratches!”

“I’m fine!!’’ I reassured her. Meghan gave a little chuckle.

“You remind me of Ash!!” She said. Ash was her husband. My aunt and Maghan went and talked while Ethan went to find the secound group of soldiers that Meghan had sent.

“Are you hungry?” I asked Riley.

“Is that the first thing you thought to say. After you just got malled by goblins?” She said smiling.I took her hand and walked in the direction of the resturant we passed on the way here.

                                                                                The End.

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