Ch. 4, Just an Idea

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Not long after her encounter with her new neighbor, Nyxeria entered her house to find her mother in a manic state.

"Took your time," Mrs. Page shouted pacing the living room.

"Mom, what is the matter?" Nyxeria could tell she was in one of her moods.

"I can't find the dog."

"I took him with me, remember."

She paused processing the information. Mrs. Page's mind was beginning to clear. "Oh, sorry sweetie. Where have you been?"

"I went for a jog on the beach with Max. Are you just waking up now?"

"Yeah, I was tired,” She spaced out with a blank looked in her eye for several moments while Nyxeria took off her shoes and unleashed Max then her mother proceeded talking, “Would you like some pancakes?"

"Sure. I need to take a shower then I can help you."

Nyx was getting used to this new version of her mother, but it still frustrated her. After her father had passed away her mother had been declining mentally at a steady pace. Nyxeria had good memories of her mother, but she also had many that were not right. Some days her mother would not even get out of bed, other days she cleaned the house from top to bottom with boundless enthusiasm.

Yet despite her mother unpredictability, she had her father. He was her rock. His death created an abyss in their lives which her mother would never be able to cope with. This was a black hole Nyxeria struggled to fill. After the shower and breakfast, all thoughts of the dashing English man had wandered from her mind.


Travis was not so lucky. Meeting this Nyx had ruffled up his feathers. He was not a rash sort of person. He had not been planning on getting so worked up over a mere girl. While he weeded the driveway he played the exchange on repeat in his head and it made him bush a deep scarlet. Travis was renowned as a gentleman. Travis shook his head. He had behaved in such a dastardly manner that it gave him much to regret. Perhaps he should go apologize. Of course he should apologize, maybe with some flowers, she did tell him where she lived...

"Not in the plan, not in the plan," He reminded himself. If he saw her again he would give her his regrets, then go on their separate ways. He had goals, plans, and dreams. Travis was not going to risk it for a chance to snog her. He walked inside and glanced at his dirty tired appearance. Perhaps if she never found out about him, the risk would be eliminated. As the saying goes he could have his cake and eat it too.

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