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My mom takes forever to leave. I finally get her to call a taxi and leave campus. I look around my dorm room and scream. I start unpacking my things. There's a knock on the door a few minutes later.
"I hope she isn't weird. Like into super gross stuff like collecting dead bugs" I hear a deep voice say in my head
There's another knock. I walk over to the door and open it. A guy about 6'2 with a clipboard and a name tag that say Aiden is standing there waiting. I look up at him and he just smiles.
"I don't collect dead bugs," I say
"What?" he asks
"Um... nothing," I quickly say. "So can I help you with something?"
"Actually I'm here to help you," he corrects, "I'm a sophomore a part of the schools welcoming committee and I was assigned to give a tour to the student who lives in the this dorm second floor room 10."
He looks at the number on the back of my door. I follow his gaze and see the number on my door. Of course he's my tour guide. I wave him into my dorm room and walk over to my closet.
"You can sit anywhere I'm just unpacking a few things then we can go on this tour."
"Alright cool. Oh yeah, I'm Aiden by the way," he says putting his hand out
"I know that. I'm Riley," I say shaking his hand
"How'd you know my name was Aiden can you like go into people's mind or something."
I look at him scared for my life. He didn't just say what I think he just said.
"This isn't possible. He can't possibly know. Nobody knows. Not even my parents."
"You okay there? I was only joking no one can read minds," he says concerned
I nod and go back to unpacking. Once I'm done we head out. He shows me where all the cool spots are to hangout. The huge library and the even bigger food court. Then the tour was finally done. As Aiden is walking me back to my dorm, a guy comes running up to him.
"Aiden, what's up man? Who's this, Sarah's replacement?" He says laughing
Aiden cups his hand on the guy's neck, "This is Riley. I'm her tour guide. Riley this is my annoying freshman cousin, Jacob, who needs to keep his nosey trap shut. Now run along before I tell the football team who did that thing."
His cousin winks at me and runs off. Aiden starts to laugh and continues walking me back to my dorm. When we get to the room I turn to face him.
"Thanks for the tour. This place is amazing," I say trying not to stare him in his eyes.
"Just doing my job. Glad you like the place. Hopefully that means your sticking around. The school could use a little help in smart and beautiful girls department."
"Did you just try and make a move on me?"
"No of course not. Unless it worked."
"Maybe," I say opening the door to my room
"Oh, almost forgot. There's actually a party going on tonight," he looks at his watch, "actually a few hours from now. Kind of a thing the sophomores throw each year. You should-"
"Sounds cool, I'll think about it."
"Alright, see ya later then. Maybe."
"Bye Aiden."
I close the door I run over to my bed and plop down. I sit there trying to get my heart to stop running laps around my chest. There's a sound of paper shuffling by the the door. I look over and see a note on the floor. Before going to pick it up I let my mind reach into the hallway.
"What are you I doing? You just met this girl and your already hitting on her. And you just slid a paper with your number on it under her door. Idiot idiot idiot." I hear him think
I hear the sound of footsteps walking down the hall. I slowly open the door just in time to see him walk into the elevator. I close the door and grab the paper on the floor.
Call me for the details about the party if you decide to go-- Aiden.
I fold the paper and put in my desk drawer. My heart starts racing again. The image of his chocolate brown eyes are stuck in my head. I reach into my desk drawer and grab the paper. Then I take my phone out my pocket and dial his number without thinking. After the second ring I decide to hang up. He picks up as I'm about to end the call.
"Hello, Aiden speaking,"
"Hey Aiden it's Riley, I was wondering how far is this party."
"Not that long of a car ride. Why, you decided to come?"
"Yeah but here's the thing. My car is at the shop and my mom and dad won't be able to drive it here until Sunday."
There's a long pause. For a second I thought he hung up or the call was dropped. Then he answered.
"Be ready by 8:30," he says
"Be ready at 8:30 I'll be there. Just go outside and look for a red mustang."
"Alright see you at 8:30."
I hang up, grab the rest of the clothes in my suitcase and run into the closest.
~a few hours later~
I'm putting my red lipstick on in the mirror when I hear a honking outside my window. I open it and look out. Aiden is standing next to his car. He waves up at me and then gets back in the car. After closing the window I finish putting my lipstick on and walk out the door. He gets out the car when he sees me leaving the building. He opens the passenger side door and let's me in. As we're driving I feel his eyes drift over to look at me every once in a while. I let my mind reach his.
"She looks so freaking beautiful. Wow, never thought I would admit but she is way out of my league. Who am I kidding, still won't stop me from trying. Really should be paying attention to the road but she's just so-"
"Eyes on the road, Aiden I ain't going anywhere. there'll be plenty of time for that at the party," I say
He quickly looks away and smiles. I block my face with my hair so he doesn't see me blushing. Good thing I decided to wear my hair down tonight. Through my hair I see him take another quick glance at me and smile again. This is awesome. I love college.

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