Was It Really A Dream?

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I was running. Fast. Quickly. Quietly. Away. Hoping they wouldn't find or catch me. I am only thinking of one thing, run. Run. Run.

My feet are bloody from the sharp thorns on the forest floor, and my jeans are ripped to tatters. My now frizzy hair was coming out of its ponytail, and stray pieces were getting in my face. Through the dense forest I sprint. Mind blank and not once looking back.

There. There is something up ahead. A wire maybe? Probably nothing to worry about, but better safe than sorry. A running jump and I easily clear the leap. With a glance behind me, I realize that it was a trip wire followed by a ditch. This is the first trap I have seen in awhile. Does that mean anything? Shaking my head to clear it, I carry on. Out of the blue, I hear voices.

I stop short. This is the first time I have stopped in hours. I listen carefully deciding what gender the voices belong to for there is only one than I am running from. All male voices. Crap, they found me.

I turn back the way I came as a swarm of them come out through the trees in front of me, blocking my path. As I turn, I see a flash of black and within seconds, there are more men with pitch black blazers and spotless white shirts covering the way I came. I whip my head to either side as twigs snap under the weight and pressure of someones foot. They have surrounded me. There is no escape. Not even through the air for there are helicopters the hovered waiting for a single command. My luck has finally run out.


Today is the last day.

The girl. That stupid, stupid girl. She thought she got away. She was oblivious to the fact that she was being tracked. Did she really think that we would leave her unmarked?

Taking a good look at her I see that her hair is untamable, and her jeans are in shreds, almost unrecognizable. She seems to have lost her shoes during her long run. Her t-shirt is the only thing that looks anything like its supposed to.

My men have surrounded the girl. She has no place to run, no place to hide, this is her last moment, last day with her last breath drawing near. Today is the day she will exist no more. She will die today. However the serum worked. Quite well too, she has been running for hours.


His tall, lean figure comes out behind the rest. The ungrateful traitor. I know it is him because he is the only one who wears a black tie along with his blazer and white shirt.

He gave me his signature ice smile. A dark, twisted smile that would sent more than just shivers down your spine. I couldn't see his eyes for they were hidden behind his pitch black ray bans. But from earlier encounters in the lab, I know his eyes are blue.

Not a regular blue. A deadly, scary, midnight blue. He walks nimbly up to me and bends down to my height. "Did you really think I would let you escape?" He whispered before stalking back to his original position.

His sadistic smile tells me everything I need to know. Today is my last day, my last moment and soon, my last breath. "NOW" his deep, commanding voice echoes in the clearing. About forty or fifty bullets zip towards me, each hitting its mark. Drawing my last breath, I reach out to greet death. I have never been afraid to die, but I didn't realize my time would come so quickly. Goodbye.

I wake up with a shriek......

A/N: Hey peeps I wrote this in writing class with the topic dreams. Hope you liked it. Sadly it is just a one shot. Should I do more one shots. Comment, vote, and share and I will give you the gift of a sparkling unicorn of your color choice. Thanks!!!

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