*cough cough cough*, said the car, slowly drifting to the side of the sleek, wet road. the battery had run dead, leaving the young couple without a source of transportation. it was nearing midnight when this unfortunate set of events took place. they were stranded in the middle of nowhere, in the pouring rain with a broken car. The only thing visible in this ghost-town at this time in the pitch black night was way off in the distance, a bright neon, fluorescent motel sign flashed in many different colourful patterns.
"Goddamn!" yelled the man, getting out of the broken down car. he fiercely slammed the door shut with a large BANG! and marched to the hood of the car. he leaned against it, flipping out his cell phone, only to see that the top corner of the screen read no service. from behind him his girlfriend placed a soothing hand on his shoulder, coming up close to him, pressing their bodies together. "hey, it's okay babe, we can spend the night in the motel up ahead", she suggested, motioning her head towards the flashing attraction.
the young couple broke themselves apart from each other, and stared down the open road towards the motel, transfixed in the sight ahead, as if something was possessing their feet to continue forwards. the wind started picking up, its howl almost like a wolf, getting ready to go after its next prey. The rain thudded to the ground viciously, drenching their bodies. A quiet maniacal laughter passed in the wind and before they knew it, they were entering the main building, and standing at the check in desk. it looked like any other motel; beautiful decor, classy furniture, fancy wallpaper and most of all, that lingering sketchy feeling you get when tou enter
"Room for two?" asked the elderly information desk lady in a sweet, high pitched voice.
"Yes, one night please", replied the young man in an annoyed tone.
"Rodgers" he replied pulling out his wallet to pay for the room.
"Okay then Mr.Rodgers, that will be fifty dollars"
he dug through his wallet to find the money and handed it to the lady.
"here is your room key, you two will be in room 13", the lady explained in a suspiciously sweet smile.
The man ripped the keys from her hand and turned around, heading for the door without uttering so much as a thank- you. with his girlfriend following closely behind him they exited the main building, back out to the strong rain and wind storm. the the young woman wrapped her jacket tightly around her and the pair started running quickly to their room. each puddle they stepped in engulfed their foot in water, and splashed up their legs. A bright flash of lightning appeared above them, illuminating the dark cloudy night sky, immediately followed by a resounding crash of thunder
The woman snatched the keys out of her boyfriends hand and unlocked the door. the lock was slightly sticky, but with a great deal of struggling, the door flung open. the girl took the first step into the musty motel room. she flicked on the light switch and there was a flash. there was a snapping sound and a spark flew, then another, and another. The lights flickered on and off until they went out all together. the couple was left in complete darkness.
The woman let out an ear piercing scream. "VICTORIA!" the man called out ,but unfortunately got no answer. "VICTORIA!" he yelled her name repeatedly, stumbling around the pitch black room, feeling around for her. "VICTORIA!". the lights flashed back on to reveal blood spattered walls and carpet. a limp lifeless woman laid in the ground with a large sword protruding from her chest. she laid in a puddle of blood and a squeaky whimper escaped her lips. her eyes rolled back in her head and before the man could react, a swarm of ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves, and goblins all came pouring out of the bathroom in a huge hoard. an old man with large fangs hanging out of his mouth stepped forward. he appeared to be the leader of the group and said to the young man with a cynical grin. "how dare you enter our motel room uninvited? we do not tolerate intruders here, do we?" all the creatures be hind him nodded in unison. "GET HIM" he commanded firmly. all the creatures came lunging towards the man.
one by one he fought them all off, delivering a hard punch to one vampire's jaw and his entire head shattered, and a round house kick to a zombie who's entire body disintegrated. one goblin stepped forwards and the young man put him into a head lock and ripped his head clean off. half the army was gone and in turn the leader ended the battle. "now i see you do have skill in fighting young man. you just single handedly killed half my army"
"you killed my true love" he bit back in an irritably calm tone
"well yes this is true, but if you agree to my terms, i might be able to get her back for you" he tried to negotiate. " i have one question" he took a moments long pause.
"Will you be our new ruler?"

That night i still remember
Mystery / ThrillerWhat happens when you are forced to stay at a sketchy motel?