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A soft scratching noise caught Saitama's attention as he walked through the door of his apartment. It paused every few seconds, sending out an eery echo.

After a few moments of trying to decipher the noise, he ventured further, past the door to the bathroom, past the kitchen door and finally not quite into the main room.

A million thoughts buzzed through his mind.

"Is it a mouse? A rat? A monster? What the hell makes that kind of noise?"

Body tense and ready for battle, he eased his head around the corner.

What he saw shouldn't have surprised him.

Genos was sitting at the small table, in seiza position, of course, head bowed as if the see the paper better, predictably writing away in one of his journals.

As Saitama watched, he recognized the sound of a pen against paper.

"So much for rats," he mentally grumbled.

Something about the whole situation seemed odd. The kid should have still been at Dr. Kuseno's and even so, usually by this time Genos was on his feet shouting, "Sensei!" at a much louder volume than needed.

After a moment of waiting, he realized Genos' proximity alerts probably weren't working. Maybe Dr. Kuseno couldn't fix them right away after the last battle. Almost two-third of Genos' body had been destroyed after all.

Saitama sighed internally. It had been really hard seeing Genos in pieces like that. Especially because he knew he didn't step in soon enough and even more so because Genos insisted on singing his praises the entire way back to Dr. Kuseno's lab.

He had honestly expected the repairs to take longer than they had. Maybe Kuseno was getting too good at putting Genos' parts back together.

Gathering up his courage, he strode into the room like he hadn't been having a moral breakdown in the hallway.

"Hey Genos, I thought you were-"


Saitama's head whipped around to see two gold and black eyes staring at him, almost in fear. And they were set in the completely wrong face.

Golden hair that once set itself close to his head now lay in long tendrils all the way down to shoulders that were too small and grazed against arms that were too much too thin.

His face had changed drastically. A smaller nose, bigger eyes, and wider lips, all framed with a slight rounder face and the golden locks.

He looked...female.

Saitama didn't dare look any further downward.

"Genos, what-"

"My apologies sensei!" Genos shouted, the difference in his voice suddenly noticeable.

"What? Why are you apologizing?"

Genos dropped his pen and shot to his feet, the top of his head barely coming to Saitama's nose.

"I did not realize you would be home already. The sale I expected you were shopping at ended only a few minutes ago, but I should have known you would be able to get back by now. And even so, I did not get a proximity alert to your presence. I was meaning to ease you into the idea of this new body instead of-"

"Genos. Twenty words."

The cyborg regarded his master with an odd expression before dropping his head and murmuring, "My apologies Saitama-sensei."

Saitama sighed and ran his hand though non-existent hair.

"What am I going to do with him?" He startled, blinking in confusion. "Wait. Him?"

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