I walk by her in the halls.
She's always happy, never balls.
Her hair is as curly as the fur on a sheep,
but I like it that way, cause it makes me go meep.
She's funny, laughs around her friends.
I think about if I stayed with her till the end.
I like the way that she smiles like the sun,
on a warm sunny day, when lunch has begun.
I love the way when she glares at me
every once in a while when she's sees me.
cause for that split second, I feel as if
she's into me, and se wants to kiss.
The days go by and I become a follower,
and I'm starting to feel like I'm being a stalker.
Cause when she looks at me now, her eyelashes no longer batter.
But instead her friends show that I do not matter.
I laid on the grass, dreaming of her,
when suddenly I feel a slight little pur.
It was more like a sigh, but this is something not to miss.
I turned my head, and received a kiss.
Right there on the grass, laying by me,
was her indeed, I watched her stare at me.
She said she loved me, and her arms rapped around me,
as she held on tight, and she rolled onto me.
Today I live in a perfect house,
living in the presence of a women that's my spouse.
I think of the day that all the sudden,
she appeared next to me, in the chilly cool mornin'...