Good Thing I Have My Best Friend With Me

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"Being a nerd pays off sometimes..."

Confessions of the Bad Boy and the Nerd

I sighed. I've been doing that much sighing around, one way or another, it's going to be bad for my health.

My name is Lucy Mavis, 17 years old and a current student here in Northridge Academy. Northridge is just like any ordinary highschool, save that this school offers free dorms. 

I have one, mind you, Dorm 16 D. Actually, this school has a sort of (insert air quotes here) system.

Dorm D were actually for the lowest of the lowest. The nerds, geeks. Yep,  and that's were I room.

Dorm C were for those guys who had really low grades, they don't deserve to live in those dorms.

Dorm B were for populars. Cheerleaders with brains the size of a pea. Rich guys with too much money that they decide to boast their wealth.

And, there's Dorm A.

Dorm A was for the 'bad boys'. No, not guys with metal piercings and tattoos.

I'm talking about hot guys-with-leather-jackets-and-guys-whose-grade-are-so-low-but-the-teachers -can't-afford-to-kick-them-out-because-of-their-good-looks-that-even-teachers-fall-for type of guys.

In short, you could only be two people in Northridge. A popular or unpopular. I guess it doen't take a scientist to know if I'm popular or not, does it?

I wear glasses, not because I need them. I can perfectly see well, thank you. My glasses are fake glasses. I wear them because I'm shy, people don't bother people with glasses, right? So I decided wearing these. Also, I'm not one of those attention-seeking girls that wear fake glasses hoping for attention.

The sound of laughing breaks me out of my reverie. What?

"Hey, guys! Look, it's the nerdy chick!"

Let me just say one thing: I hate being called 'the nerdy chick'. I just don't get it. Am I supposed to be a hen when I grow up? Or perhaps they thought my mother was a hen?

"Hey! Where are you goin'?" Oh, it's those cheerleaders. And with the jocks.

"I was just on my way to the bathroom. I need to release the excess water tha contains a lot of unneeded nutrients. Will you please step aside?" I said in a monotone voice. Gotta avoid them, gotta aoid them.

The same cheerleader sneered. "NERD!" and she kicked me in the shins, causing me to drop my books. I hissed in pain, doubling over. 

The cheerleader, Amilee, laughed with her friends while the other stared mockingly at me. 

'Must not cry, must not show weakness..!'

One jock made crying noises to mock me, the others following in suit. They were around 8 of them, and they were quickly gaining attention.

A few seconds later, there were a group of people surrounding us, pointing at me.

'Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry'!

"Hey, guys! Knock it off," a voice shouted to my right.

I sniffed and looked at the owner of the voice. A blonde girl stood there with one hand on her hip, the other on the backpack slung on her shoulder.

"Anne..." I whimpered. Anne's eyes softened when she met my glassy ones. Suddenly, she took on an engraged look, shoved her backpack to someone's chest (said someone almost wet his pants in fear) and took my hand, pulling me up to my feet. 

She glared at the crowd until they slowly dispersed. After everone was gone, she sighed, spun me around, held me by my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

I gulped. Oh my gummy bears...

"What were you thinking, Lucy?!" I sniffed. I can't reall say anything. I'm still paralyzed with fear.

Anne's eyes softened and she hugged me. Approximately four seconds later, she let go and took both our backpacks and decided that we best be going to class. 

The last warning bell rang, meaning it was almost time for class. We walked silently to class together.

Anne Zamora was my best friend. We met when I was lost looking for my dorm number. I bumped into her and almost cried at the sight of her. She was really tall, like a giant. 

"Uhh... d-do you know w-w-where Dorm 16 D i-is?" I cursed myself for stuttering. 

The 'giant' smirked and bent down to my level. I gulped.

I'm gonna pee...

She sighed and flipped her hair. I  looked confusingly at her. She wasn't gonna eat me..?

She grabbed me by my shoulders, spun me around, and dragged me via pushed me to somewhere. I wondered, did she felt that I was heavy? Because I gained a few kilograms and I-

"WE'RE HEREE!" She sang. She let go of me, making me stumble fordward. I looked up at the door.

Dorm 15 D

I'm confused. Did she forget that I was in Dorm 16? She sighed, and pointed to a door next to it. Oh, Dorm 16. Well what do ya know? I griined at her and she grinned back.

"I'm actually just across the hall," she said. "And by the way, I'm Anne Zamora." she grinned.

I smiled at her, "I'm Lucy Mavis!"

Taking a deep breath, I fixed myself before entering Sir Rey's classroom. And I should have stayed at bed. Maybe I should not have come to school, seeing that I was not prepared to see-


HAAII! Thanks for endng this chapter! :D There's an awesome button called 'VOTE' that would make me really happy that my hardwork paid off, so yeah!



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