Just Keep Swimming

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She was tired. She was so tired. Not from a lack of sleep but of a feeling of sheer disbelief. The bright and blue skies had turned to a violet dystopia. The once calm waters around her became a tsunami of emotions and danger. She looked down at her bruised and battered feet being numbed by the freezing tides. "What happened here, Nelson?" She asked quietly to her friend sitting close by on a planted rock in the water. "I don't know, Dory." They both shared a glance at the environment around them and sighed. "It's been a long night, and it's not over. Sadly, it seems like it will never end." She buried her face in the sand and inhaled the grainy material of the beach. It brought her back to the beginning, the start.

Chapter One-Summer
She was happy. She was so happy. Dory stared down at her shoes and admired that they were as bright as her face. The coral reflected her beautiful smile. She looked up to see the doors of her school and Dory squealed a happy sound and ran into the wooden barriers. "Dory!" Flora yelled as she ran full charge at her. "Oh my God, Flo! Today is the day!" Dory responded clenching her friends hand as if it were her phone about to fall. "We finally leave this hell hole! After this we have one more year and then-" "And then I get to steal my girlfriend back from her clingy best friend!" Bruce said as he covered Floras eyes and kissed her cheek. "Bruce, you are an idiot! Which is why I can't wait to spend my summer with you!" Flora turned around and hugged him. "Ooh, I see you love birds have plans. What are they?" Dory asked curiously. "You serious? How can you forget about a trip you planned?" They said chuckling. "Oh my god you guys are coming with us to Puerto Rico!?" "Of course, baby girl. I can't leave my best friend in the hands of her future lover alone!" They both laughed and walked the halls like there was nobody else there. "Wait, so Nelson is coming?" Asked Ray. "Yeah of course he is!" Dory blushed as looked down. "Let me fill you in you butthead. Nelson is a student at Trenton High in Los Angeles. They met at the party I threw which you missed sleeping on the couch at your aunts. They hit it off and when she left, he took down her phone number and they have been talking ever since." "Wow, Dory! You finally have someone to cuddle with instead of being sad all night of Tumblr!" "Wait, how do you know I do that?" The girls gasped sarcastically and they all laughed it off. "This summer is going to be great!"

Chapter Two-Meeting "Nemo"
"Where is he?" Flo asked as she looked at the time. "He's coming, don't worry. And plus I said if he didn't come I'd beat his ass when I got home." Dory responded with a smile. In minutes, a kid wearing an orange surfer shirt and green mesh basketball shorts came walking in with a skateboard in one hand and the suitcase in the other. Dory put on her glasses and took a closer look. "That's Nelson!" She yelled. The guy heard her soft speech and he ran to her first. He embraced her body and lifted her. "Ah, I finally get to see my princess!" He said. "How are you?" "I'm good and you?" "Amazing now that I finally see you in person, Dory!" "Is it okay if I still call you Nemo?" "I don't mind!" They laughed and Flora interrupted. "Nemo? Why does she call you Nemo?" "Well it's because she messed up my name when she first typed it to text me and now that's my nickname." "Well, that's cute. Nice to meet you, Nelson." Ray approached and immediately accepted Nelson. "What's up, bro. Welcome to girl world I live with on a daily basis. You ready?" "More than you." They shared a handshake and moved to the gate leading them to plane taking them to Puerto Rico. The couples paired together and sat in the same row. Being the smooth guy he was, Nelson gripped his new girlfriends hand and reassured her with his eyes that this would be a great trip. She laid her head into his shoulder and their tense feelings melted into relief that neither of them were catfished. "Attention all passengers. This plane will be making a non stop trip to Puerto Rico. Please stay in your seats and enjoy the ride."

Chapter Three-Welcome to Puerto Rico
Nelson shook Dorys shoulder slightly and her eyes opened to the light of the next day. "We are here." He whispered quietly into her ear. She smiled and held onto his shoulders to get up." Flora and Ray waited happily and patiently by the door of the plane. Dory grabbed her luggage and her pillow and walked out of the plane. She fell victim into a very real and overwhelming paradise. The palm trees blew swiftly and the sun burned bright on her face. "Welcome to Puerto Rico, young lady. We hope you enjoy your trip." The stewardess said, jealous that this wasn't her reality. The bubbly teens skipped across the floor of the airport and were pleasures by the sound of the wheels of their suitcases gliding on each polished tile. They gasped at the scene. "Is this really happening?" Flo said. "I was going to ask the same question." Ray said jokingly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She held onto them and swayed with him. "Guys, we have reached paradise." Dory said in a happy whisper, holding back tears of joy from a hard school year. "WOOO! WE ARE FREE!" Yelled Nelson, breaking the silence and bringing on the teens wild side. They screamed in unison ran for the hotel. "That's my Nemo." Dory said in her head. The hotel was of a far distance but the walk made them feel like movie stars. Although it was quiet but the sounds of car horns and the wind, the moment was memorable. Finally at the hotel, they checked in and headed to their rooms, where the night festivities began. Loud music despite the care of other guests and favorable drinks (which they were now of age to drink) The 80's stricken teens played Cruel Summer and acted like their parents once did before them. "Okay okay, ladies! That includes you Ray! Let us all agree that this trip rules!" Nelson said as he raised his drink high. They screamed happily. Ray stepped up onto the already wobbly dresser and made his own toast. "Let us also agree that we are going to the casino tomorrow!" The room broke out into laughter. "What's so funny?" "Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble, babe. You are not anywhere as good at the slot machines as me!" Flo said boastfully and she flicked his nose. "Who says?" "Me." Nelson and Dory made sound effects and let the fight go down. "Yeah, right! You can't make a shot like you can't manage to get an A." "Well at least I actually passed the grade." The room feel into a deep and uncomfortable silence. "Wait, Ray, are you getting left back?" Dory said to him as she stood up off the floor and walked to him. "Yes. I didn't tell you guys because I'd thought you'd laugh. So I only told Flora since of course she's my girlfriend and we keep secrets." Flo grew a debased look on her face. "Raymond, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that it just-" "You never mean anything! Like you didn't mean to sleep with Bruce, right?" Nelson stood up immediately. "Okay, okay guys lets stop now. This is getting too intense." He said with a shaky voice. "Well she started it! You shouldn't be telling me anything! Tell her to take her head out of her-" Before he could finish, Flo swung her hand from behind her back and punched him onto the bed nearby. Ray rose back from off the bed with a purple blob on his cheek and his lip bleeding. Floras facial expression stood in an angry and furious state. Ray rose to take her down but Nelson took him down just as fast onto the shag carpeting. The blood from Rays lip specked the floor. "Come on, Ray! Stop this right here! NOW!" At the same time, Dory held Flo back. Nelson quickly grabbed Dorys wrist and led her out of the room. They went to their rooms and sat down, processing with they heard and saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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