AnneTwist: Happiest of birthdays to these two lovebirds. 22 and 19! So happy that my baby has found you, Ava. I love both of you dearly!
"And you said living with Lacey was a good idea," Harry huffs from next to me. We've been awake since eight, but we've laid in bed for two hours now with Charm. Pancake was fast asleep by the window, not being bothered by us at all. She's unsure of Charm, but they get along and that's honestly all Harry and I could ask for.
"I heard that, Harry," she sighs. "Now come on, seriously. Rachel and your parents will be here soon, Ava."
"They're headed to Harry's, not here," I mumble. "I told them we'd meet them there."
She gets fed up with us not moving and storms out, closing the door behind her. Harry laughs and has Charm get down off the bed.
"Suppose she knew we weren't getting up because we're naked?"
I shrug as I sit up and get up to head over to the closet. "I mean, it's not like she heard us last night. That's the quietest we've ever been, I think. So I doubt she knew."
He smirks, sitting up slowly and rubbing his face in attempt to wake up more. He groans and complains how tired he is while I grab an outfit. He only gets out of bed when I say I'm getting in the shower, inviting himself in with me. Lacey yells at us after like ten minutes, telling us to hurry up. She's a very punctual person, so our slowness was actually killing her.
We eventually get out the door, Charm leading the way on his leash. He wasn't trained enough to be left alone yet, so we had to bring him with us.
By the time we got to Harry's house, nobody was there yet. His parents and sister had flown in a few days ago, but they were out when we arrived. Lacey yelled at us when we tried to lay down in bed again, dragging us back out the door so we could all take Charm for a walk.
We walk to a coffee shop, where we get drinks before heading back home. Charm was having the time of his life, practically walking us rather than us walking him. Harry had his leash and his other hand was in mine. Lacey was walking beside me and we'd been talking about my tour. Two or three photographers had shown up across the street from us, which was annoying, but they didn't bother us too much so we just ignored them.
Everybody is here by the time we get to the house; our mothers were discussing something in the kitchen, Gemma was laid on the floor while Rachel was sitting nearby chatting with her, while Robin and my dad were talking on the couch near them. They all barely even noticed us walking in the house. Harry had invited his dad as well, but he wasn't able to make it.
"Well, good to see everybody made it here alright," Harry huffs. It's only then do they all notice our presence.
"AVA!" Rachel jumps up from the floor, running over to tackle me in a hug. Charm barks at her, but Harry pulls him aside over to where Gemma is. "Hi. Happy birthday. I missed you."
"I missed you too," I laugh. "I'm so glad you're here. Even though you almost killed me."
Rachel and Lacey sit down on the floor next to Gemma, while Harry sits down in one of the chairs. He pulls me down to sit with him, but he pulls over a foot rest so we kind of end up laying down instead.
"Are you two serious right now?"
I angle my head up from where I'm laying it on Harry's chest, looking up at my mom. She's got her arms crossed over her chest and a disapproving look on her face. Anne steps up next to her, practically doing the same thing.

The Opening Act (H.S) {Completed - Editing}
FanfictionThe story of how Ava Mae joined One Direction for the On the Road Again Tour... and then became so much more than an opening act. disclaimer: wrote this when I was 16, it has some cringe moments. also, at the beginning of the story Ava is a minor b...