Starry Night | Chapter 1

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The sky is pitch black tonight. It's decorated with dazzling stars that don't fail to shimmer brightly in the sea of the night. This is the first night in Gautam that the weather doesn't leave a damp wetness on myself or on the ground.

"Hey! Bellock! Hurry your lazy bum up!" I instantly snapped out of the foggy mist of my thoughts when my boss suddenly barked his loud voice at me. I swear that man's voice was as loud as that of a crackling thunder on a stormy night. "We've got a customer. A girl. Now get out there and work that blonde magic of yours." He said and gave me a hard pat on my back as he wobbled back into his 'office'.

I sigh and blow some feathery blonde strands of hair from my face only to have it fall right in my eyes again. Figures. "Welcome to Sunnyside Bar. How may I assist you miss?" I hated reciting that line. We were anything else but sunny. I bowed respectfully and pulled myself to look up at what I thought was a beautiful woman but only saw what I described as a lunatic.
She peered at me through those goggles she seemed to wear, that showed off her big blue eyes. Her brunette like hair  had been pinned up with some blonde streaks to be visible and her face was rather blotchy and her face was covered in scratches and bruises. She wore classic old times clothes : A white shirt along with a red bow tie that was around the collar and red suspenders to go along with it. Those suspenders connected to her black pants and she wore pantyhose with her regular brown shoes.

"I need your help." She told me.

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