My name is Layla Rose

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Hello, my name is Layla rose.
Wow this is a great way to start a story...lets me introduce myself a little bit better.
My name is Layla, unpopular, book worm, boring Layla.
I have mousy brown hair and shy, very shy, timid as a mouse is what my mum says.
Mousy brown hair and mousy brown eyes to go with my mousy timid personality I suppose.
It's not that bad being shy, no one speaks to you, no one knows you exist.
Too shy to say my opinion is classes.
Get anxiety from saying "here miss/Sir" as my name is called out on the register.
I have maybe 3/4 friends, not many, they don't usually hang around with me either.
Instead I create my own friends, not imaginary ones just created then, from my books.
I know them better than I know my own friends.
This is my boring life, not much happens really
I get up, I go to school, I come home and read
I don't mean to be so shy and boring all the time! Sometimes I want to shout my opinions from the roof and start a class debate, but I can't because if I slip out of place or even doing something wrong, it could change my life forever and of course my luck struck when I just did this. Slipped out of place, made a mess of things.

Oh Layla, sweet sweet Layla timid as mouse

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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