Made Up

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Wink Wonk- Adopted from someone else's typo while they meant to write "Wink Wink."

Yink Yonk- Someone else accidentally said "Yink Yink" instead of saying "Wink Wink" and it was mashed together with "Wink Wonk."

Grassi's Ass- "Gracias" in Spanish, then moved to "Grassy Ass" then eventually changed to "Grassi's Ass" because everyone is thankful for Mitch Grassi's ass.

I Lush You- I love You. Because Matthew Lush is everything.

Fudishclebutts (Fuh-dish-kal-butts) - A word I made up that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever yet I still use it.

Oh My Avi- Adopted from a friend. Avi Kaplan looks like Jesus and since neither me nor my friend are christian or catholic and "Not allowed to say oh my god," she has replaced it with "Oh my Avi."

Kitti LanguageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora