Dear Kiran,
Everything happens so fast, its like one moment everyone around you screams and the excitement is practically pouring out of them from that little flutter in your eye lids. They're all jumping around, glittering eyes. Yet, you have no idea who anyone is. Then when you ask, well all hell comes loose. The shock that stood on my sisters face, its really the only thing i remember. The way her lips curled back and shook, her eyes blurred and she fell to the floor, collapsing like a rock.
Even after a whole week, I couldn't even tell you how old she is, her favorite colour, or even her name. I don't remember my twin brother. I don't remember my best friends, not that i had any. I can't remember my life. It's like starting over again, but this time, you have to go through all the mistakes again because you can't get them right this time either.
I'm really sorry I can't remember who you are Kiran but you have to know that I try so hard everyday just to remember one face, one word, or even just a name. I sit on the roof every night around 8, and stare at the stars and just wish, everything would be the same.
I'll try my hardest to be what I can. I'll try my hardest to be me. I'll try my hardest to be your best friend but honestly I can't say I love you.
You see, I only have so much love I can give but I'll try my hardest to keep you close to me. I'll remember this time, well i'll try. Coz I just really want you to find what you need in me Kiran. I'd do anything.
xx Sam