Chapter 1: My Affair

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AN : Inspired by back to the future and The time travellers wife.
(Marty and Lorraine are not related in this fanfic but instead Marty's mom is Emily Johnson my OC)

Disclaimer : I OWN NOTHING

Chapter 1: My affair

She lights her cigarette looking out at the rain , they were in some fancy hotel just outside Hill Valley. He could afford it , he made a good living . Well off in both his time and hers. Her silk night gown clings to her naked body , she shivers as she listens to him walking towards her.

"You shouldn't smoke," he softly scolds her, taking the cigarette and nipping it. She would usually throw a fit at his actions but her body craves his touch so desperately she doesn't object. As he soon wraps his firm arms around her waist she melts into his chest .
"What's wrong Lorry?" He asks softly pulling her closer towards him. She turns towards him. Her hands on his shoulders , her eyes pleading.
"Don't go... ," she pleads hoping this time he'll listen.
"Lorry, you know I can't stay, " he reminds her as if she were a naughty child.
"Then take me with you,"
His soft tone becomes hard and cold. "Dammit Lorraine ! We've been over this a hundred times already! When will you stop?!"
He rages pulling away from her grabbing his clothes off the floor , quickly dressing .Want nothing more than to get away.

"I love you Marty," she cries softly pulling her night gown closer to her body. He stops looking for his t-shirt and puts the crying lady in his lap. Gently he strokes her hair and let's her bury her face into his shoulder blade.
"I love you too Lorry, but you know we can't, " he says gently rejecting her once again. She knew he could never stay but it didn't stop her from asking each time. She met him in high school, they fell in love..

But they could never be together in fear of the repercussions if they ever did.


"Marty! Why do you keep running away ? Why don't you ever stay?...Is it me Marty? Do you not want to be with me? "
she asks desperate for answers.

"No ,Lorry it's nothing to do with you.. baby it's me. I can't stay , I ..I...don't belong here Lorry," he tries to make her understand.

"Well... then take me with you, we can be together then,"
she's crying now as her heart breaks , she looks into his eyes and knows he won't take her with him. He grabs her hand and drags her along she speeds up and walks next to him.

"Marty where are we going?" She asks wiping her tears away with her hand that was not being gripped tightly by Marty.
He takes her behind a billboard just outside Hill Valley.


He showed her the Delorean , he even took her to his time. It was scary and exciting and yet all during that time her heart dropped. She understood then why they could never be together. They were from two different times it would never work , it was wrong from the start.

She doesn't move but only further draws herself closer to him.
"I'm pregnant, " pain thickly laces her voice as she confesses this to him. "You better tell Ethan, " he says turning frigid.
" Martin's turning 5 next week , he looks so much like his father,"
tears well up in Marty's eyes. She moves away from him to scratch in her purse. She produces a black and white photograph and gives it to him. "Keep it ,"she urges him. Mary stares at the photograph he looks at the little boy , it was like looking at one of his childhood photographs.
"Do you think he knows? " Marty asks referring to the older man in the photograph a proud father smiling at Marty almost mockingly.
"He sees what he wants to," she explains sadly. Marty tucks the photograph in his back pocket. Forever to remain in his possession as one of his most precious gifts.

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