Chapter 6: Here comes purple the final color!

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So after all that's happened, the band was just about ready to move on and start practicing. So when Rika decided to go and check on everyone, to see if they're up to practicing. The first house she stopped by of course Onoi's she just wanted to make sure she didn't back down last minute. Rika knocked on her door interrupting a special announcement given by Onoi. Let's see let's just start from the beginning. Or Onoi's side of things. Onoi woke up this morning with a terrible taste in her mouth, she quickly ran into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. "Yuck that taste was just terrible, it tasted like a rat died in my mouth" She said to herself as she looked into the mirror. "Sigh, Will I even seem to impress Aki, you know what I just don't even want to try, he likes Rika anyway" Again Onoi said to herself as she started to cry, she just thought to let go, cause there is no point anymore, they she heard a knock on the door. "Knock "Knock" As you knew her parents are not at her house at the moment cause they are on a super long trip, she just didn't want to think about that right now. So she walked out of the bathroom heading to the front door, as you see she just woke up her hair was messy and she was in her normal orange animal pjay's. she opened the door finding out it was Aki She quickly combed her hair over with her fingers and started to get lots of butterfly's. "What are you doing here-?" She said with a soft nervous voice

"I came here to tell you something" Aki said, once he said that she started to shiver she never have been more nervous in her life. She opened the door all the way and said "Please come in I don't mind". He walked in and Onoi closed the door. "What is it that you wanted to tell-me?" Onoi said with a nervous sweet smile "Oh I wanted to tell you that, um I wanted you to come with me to dinner" Aki said "Uh-dinner? That would be nice....but" Onoi said "If you're asking if it's a date, yes I want to take you out for a date" Aki said "But-" Onoi froze she loved Aki but Aki was with Rika and she didn't want to hurt her friend. As they we're interrupted by a knock on the door, Onoi slowly walked up to the door and opened it. "Oh hi Rika!" Onoi said with a nervous smile, Aki snuck out the back door and was nowhere to be found.

"Oh what's up Onoi? I just stopped by to ask if you are okay with practicing at my house tonight, I've written a new song and I wanted us to practice it the see how it sounds, are you okay with coming over at three o'clock?" Rika said with a smile

"Oh that sounds great!" Onoi said as she closed the door and had a big "Whew" She saw that Aki was gone, she didn't want to hurt him cause she was in love with him. But she didn't want to hurt her friend either.

So Rika headed to everyone's house, and they all approved of coming to practice, she was at the last house, Hayla's. So she knocked on the door wondering what was going on, usually Hayla opens the door right away. But no answer, So Rika decided to go in herself to see what was wrong, it seemed no one was home, she looked around looking in Hayla's room seeing Hayla sitting on the floor with her face in her hands. "Oh my gosh, Hayla what's wrong?" Rika said as she ran up to her finding her crying. "They left me....." Hayla said as tears fell down her eyes.

"Who left you, what do you mean?" Rika said as she was in concern to see Hayla like this.

"My family...they packed up everything and left me.... They said they didn't need me anymore... they were so mean... and now I have no one" Hayla said as more tears filled her eyes

"Oh my gosh, Hayla I am so so so so so sorry, But you still have me... and Izumiko, and Akko, and Onoi, and Kagiome. We will always be there for you" Rika said as a tear fell down her face.

"I know's just I feel empty and alone... I know I have you guys but, I just feel like no one cares about me, like even people from school, they all ignore me" Hayla said with a sad look

Rika felt so bad, she never thought to see a girl like Hayla be like this, "Oh Hayla don't say that, even if there is bullies or mean people, you have your friends and they will never abandon you, even me, I will never let you get down, I will stand up for you and be by your side, no matter what happens even if there's a worldwide storm, I won't abandon you, no matter what I promise you everything we'll go through we'll go through it together. That's how it will always be, yes I understand what you're going through, cause my family basically hates me, but we have to stay strong and positive and stick together so we can overcome every challenge" Rika said as both Rika and Hayla looked at each other and cryed.

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