Introduction. Characters‼️

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Hello my name is Yoon-Mi even tho my username says different 💐
My grammar is ok and my story may not be the best but I guarantee you that it will be pretty long🙂 the chapters can be short and sometimes long. Please bare with me😁🙂also I know that Kim Namjoon isn't the type to be a playboy but I'm here to change it up😆😌😏

Underlined,italic,and bold are the characters.
Kim Eun Soo
-girl// main character
- 2 brothers ( she has a twin// a guy . His name is Kim Eun Byul -22-) nickname- dal
- other brother name Kim Ji Soo (15)
-her nickname is Berri
- works at cafe
-parents passed away and Berri and Eun-Byul is now supporting Ji soo and themselves
-senior at college
- lives with aunt and uncle

Kim Namjoon
-national playboy
-but he's rly smart
-IQ of 148
- despite the name he's called he's really sweet and nice inside
-composed songs for famous idols (s) s means secret
- best friends- Min Suga and Jung Hoseok
-known as rapmonster
-senior at college
-lives alone
-not in a good relationship with his dad
-divorced lmao his mom and dad
-brother / Seokjin

That's all the characters for now. I will update them later when the story is updating. Also I will be updating the first chapter tomorrow. Love you guys❤️



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Reversed. (Namjoon) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin