Intro to britanee

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Lemme start by introducin maiself,

My name is britanee marie and lots just call me an elf.

I am a smurf like no other and i like it that way,

people talk shiv bout me but they got nuthin ta say.

I am 16

and i live in az,

i am a rapper like no other,

so ima tell yuh bout me.

I am an actress in trainin,

i like to do lots of shows,

im obsessed with anime like nobody knows.

I keep mai raps clean,

cuz i preform everyday,

come find me at lunch

and i'll have somethin ta say.

Im a scene kid yes,

but that dont mean nothin ta me,

i like ta giggle like a girl,

its such a sight ta see.

I guess I'm single again,

He just wont tell me why,

guys are morons,

They just always seem ta lie.

Im a sophomore in high school

and i like ta sing alot,

when i let mai voice out,

dang it just gets hot.

So far this is it,

cuz its gotton pretty late,

i would love it if yew said what yew thought,

please comment and rate. !!!

_thank yew!!

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