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So apparently, Jinyoung likes me. And Jaebum likes Sam. I mean, I like Jinyoung back. I just don't want him to know. And I know Sam likes Jb. She told me. *convo*

Sam:  Angie, do you like Jr? Like more than a trainer?
Me: maybe a little bit. Do you like Jb?
Sam: I'm in love with him, Angie.
Me: new otp on the way!
Sam: shut up
Me: Ly
Sam: ly2

Jb told Jr and I that he wanted to ask Sam out. He just wasn't sure if she liked him back. "She does." I said. "How do you know?" He asked me. "She said she's in love with you." I said. Then Sam walked in. "Hey guys! Are y'all ready to practice?" She said throwing her hands together. "Wait Sam, I want to ask you something..." Jb said pulling her close to sit down. "Huh? What is it?" She said, clueless. "Uh well, uh will you be my...girlfriend?" He asked nervously. "Jb...ofc I will!" She said wrapping her arms around him. "Really? Thank you! I love you Sam!" He said pecking a light kiss on her pink lips. "I love you too." She said kissing him back. I got so excited that I uh...accidentally kissed Jinyoung on the cheek. Oops...?

///oops another cliff hanger\\\\😚

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