They were 12 and 14 years old and Harry was on Louis' school again. They hung out more then ever and enjoyed spending time togheter more and more. "Louis, what are those scratches from?" Harry asked carefully while looking at Louis' pale wrists. "The cat" He said shaky. "Louis i'm not crazy! You don't have a cat!" Harry toke Louis by his shoulders. "I draw again" Louis whispered while pointing at his cuts. He thought about all the time he wanted to tell Harry. Maybe he was too young. But Harry was smart. He thought about the lonely nights in the bathroom. Harry looked at Louis with big eyes. He just couldn't believe his best friend hurted himself like that! "Louis" he said and he didn't know it. He just couldn't say other things. That night Harry wrote sixteen pages about Louis in his 'Diary'. Then he drawed. He drawed the wrists with cuts on them and beneath that he wrote
'I draw again'
FanfictionThat night he wrote in his 'Diary'. He wrote it black on white cause he never wanted to forget this feeling. A warm feeling of love in his stomach. The feeling of that. "I love Louis" /// one shot