Chapter One

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Exhaling, I gazed at the immense expanses of lush green scenery, which blurred past in a rushed heap. Each breath I drew fogging up the taxi's glass, as I supported my head against it in boredom. My eyes leisurely drifting to the radio which provided the time in bold, black numbers. A newly found sense of hope surfaced within me as I registered that we only have five minutes left until I reach my destination.

Don't get me wrong the long cab drive wasn't awkward to say the least, but was very cramped and dreary, which is not how I planned this Sunday to go. Then again this is not how I planned these past couple of months to go. Hopefully by travelling this far, I can leave all the demons and darkness behind. Upon remembering the recent events that have occurred, my eyes slightly stung, signalling the tears which would soon follow. The pain and heartache was unbearable, even the slightest memory would trigger tears and everlasting amounts of sadness.

The cab driver pulled into a familiar rocky driveway, passing a large mailbox with the name 'Lennox'. My heart sped up in pace as recognition dawned on me. I'm here... I'm finally home.

Every tree that we drove past, every hill, rekindled deep memories of my past and brought them to the surface. All were happy, fun, affectionate times. Times in which I missed and treasured dearly. A large two story house came into view, sporting three vehicles out the front. Nothing had changed since I last saw this place, except for the third car out the front. It was a massive and intimidating, glossy black, GMC top kick, probably one of my uncle's military vehicles. The cab halted just at the staircase, in front of my awaiting family.

I suddenly became all giddy as excitement and longingness filled my veins, my stomach literally doing backflips inside my body. Reaching for the door of the cab, I yanked it open, rushing into the closest set of open arms. My uncle was the first to embrace me, pulling me in closer than I have ever been before, rubbing the small of my back in comforting circles.

"I missed you Alicia." His deep familiar voice, mumbled softly in my ear. Uncle Will's words slightly stung my heart, memories upon memories of my childhood flooded my brain. Back to the times where I was wanted, loved, with just him, Aunt Sarah and me.

"I missed you more." My voice cracked in response.

Kissing me on the forehead, he abruptly pulled away with a reassuring smile and walked towards the cab driver.

"Look how big you are!" A melodic voice chimed in astonishment. My aunt pulled me in for a massive bear hug, her strawberry blonde curls slightly suffocating my face. Slight movement beside me caught my attention, while a small hand gripped Aunt Sarah's leg.

"Anna?" I curiously peeked down at the small girl, who inherited her mother's hair and feminine facial features. She stared at me with big, blue doe eyes, faintly nodding her head shyly, still hiding behind Aunt Sarah. "You're all grown up!" I stated in bewilderment, she let out a cute giggle showing her small pearly white teeth in a tiny grin.

Uncle Will appeared holding my suitcase and backpack, as the cab eagerly drove off retreating back down the gravelly drive way. He gripped his credit card in one hand, which I assume he paid the cab fee.

"I took care of it, it's the least I can do." He must have noticed me observing the bank card.

I smiled gratefully at him before all our heads spun to the sound of a man uncomfortably clearing his throat. I reprimanded myself on how I didn't notice or acknowledge him standing there before hand. Our eyes connected instantly, sucking me in a world in which only revolved around me and him. His eyes shown an electric blue, bluer than the ocean itself, nothing like I have ever witnessed before, whilst his scruffy jet black hair was all dishevelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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