Chapter 1: An Enforcer's Life

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          Nothing like busting some skulls on another beautiful morning like this. The sun is shining bright, there's a cool breeze in the air, and I'm once again tracking criminals down and smashing their heads against brick walls in the name of justice. Can't get any better than this. I love my job; I am the enforcer of  Piltover, City of Progress. This place isn't like my old life in Zaun. I remember the good old days when I lived a life of crime. Causing mayhem with my old gang, robbing people and getting away with it. That was a fun time, but now I stop trouble, not cause it anymore, sadly. Sometimes I do wish to cause a little mischief like the good old days, but my boss wouldn't be a happy camper about that. She's the sheriff of this sleepy town. Her name is Sheriff Caitlyn. She's been here longer than I've decided to be a heroine fighter instead of a rogue one. She's the human embodiment of fair play. If there's one thing out of order, one criminal that breaks one of the laws of Piltover, she's on you like ugly on a monkey. However, when she doesn't want to be the "good cop", she sends me to straighten them out as the "bad cop." When she tells me to do something her way, I say "fuck that" and break some bones. Like I said before, best job in the world, right? 

          Even though I have fun with enforcing justice on all these criminals, there's just one that I have the most fun with: Jinx. She's a crazed gunner chick who used to be in my gang. She is also my ex-girlfriend. Nowadays, whenever she decides to drop by Piltover and cause some chaotic destruction with her bombs and bullets, Caitlyn and I chase her down to bring her to justice. Caitlyn doesn't know this yet, but Jinx is also my best friend. Sometimes I let Jinx get away and make it seem like she outsmarted me. Back when we were in the gang, we did that stuff for one another. If one of us was in trouble, we'd all try and get you out of it. Jinx and I were so close that we were basically sister, only we were dating. We were a lesbian couple, and we both loved each other more than our own families. That is, if we even had a family! Me and her both grew up in the streets of Zaun. We were both smart enough to handle ourselves, though. We knew how to rob and cheat in order to survive Zaun's crime-infested city. Jinx and I stole hextech hardware and gained the skills of master mechanics. She made blue prints to make a rocket launcher. I aided her in some parts of making it, too.  I made the rocket launcher look like a shark, with the jaw-like venturi and dorsal fin on top instead of being a scope. When the gun was finished, Jinx called it Fishbones for its appearance. At first, I thought it was weird to name the weapon, but who was I to judge. I didn't even have a weapon to make! We stole a bunch of rockets for Fishbones and an unlimited supply of bullets for Jinx's future weapons. I found a silver 9x23 steyr bullet. I put it on some black string, carved some skulls on it, and gave it to Jinx as a gift. She loved it and gave me a kiss as a token of appreciation. We were so happy together, until one day, one of our gang heists went horribly wrong. 

          We went to raid a mining faculty in Piltover to gain more material for our hextech crafts. The tunnel to the mine collapsed, trapping innocent mine workers within it. Jinx and the rest of the gang fled the scene, while I stayed behind to try and help the mine workers. From that, I took the hands of a damaged robotic rig and made them into my hextech gauntlets, which I have to this very day, and saved the trapped workers. They're a gift from doing the right thing. From that day, I decided to leave my gang and go help Caitlyn in Piltover, meaning that I had to break-up with Jinx, as well. However, I promised that if she did commit a crime within Piltover's walls, I would do my best not to arrest her. This deal worked out well for us. Once in awhile, Jinx causes some mayhem and destruction in Piltover, signaling me that it's time for another rendezvous. Last time, she left me a message, telling me to meet her at the bank. As the note said, I did. After a while, there she was, smiling at me. We talked a little for while to catch up. Soon, Caitlyn called me and asked me what was going on with catching Jinx. She said if I didn't get her soon, that she would be coming down to help me catch the snake. After that, when my partner pulled up in front of the bank, Jinx and I faked a fight and then she blew up the entire bank with Fishbones. She got away, obviously, and Caitlyn didn't suspect that we were in cahoots. 

          Sometimes I miss Jinx and wish that we can get back together, but we can't. I'm a heroine now, and she's a rogue criminal. Besides, she's probably dating someone else already. It's been almost 3 years since we broke up, so she must've found someone. Huh? Am I dating anyone? Well, the answer is no, I'm not with anyone. Ever since me and Jinx went our separate ways, I haven't dated anyone else since then. Though, there is this one person who I like, but I don't think it'll work out. She's all about justice for Piltover, and I'm more about using excessive force on criminals and throwing their asses in jail. She's a well-mannered young woman, and I'm a fist-slingin' tomboy. She has political smarts, and I have street smarts. Need I go on? So, yeah, I don't think I'm going to be asking my crush out any time soon. Maybe Jinx will come back to Piltover and I can convince her into being a cop like me? That way, we can be together again. Then again, there is a 97% chance that this plan will not work. Jinx is a tough nut to crack, because she already cracked herself years ago. So, maybe I should ask her? Yeah, I'll do it! I'll ask Caitlyn out on a date! 

(Part 1) C.O.P: Piltover's FinestWhere stories live. Discover now