I woke up with a suden jolt, I coldnt rember any thing but this burrning pain in my arm. When I looked down to see what had happend my arm was wrapped in this white colth. What had happened to me looking around the room there was all these strange herbs on the wall. I dont rember being here before. Wait what do I rember, I found this gift on my front porch. The door bell had rang but no body was there just this little wrapped box. When I opened it I found a very fancy, very old watch. Not of any kind I had seen before. I decied to put it on, just as I clasped it my wrist started to feel like it was on fire. I thought it was the watch so I tryed to take it off. But its like it was supper guled onto my arm. I dont rember what happend next untill I woke up here.