Chapter 1

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"Leaf" I replied barely audible. River the blond short haired blue eyed cat had asked me my name. "I'm River" she gave me a small smile.
The bell rang, lunch was over. I staggered out the doors, being pushed and shoved by the much stronger dogs and cats. I glared at them as they ran past like a bunch of kits "I swear if I could I'd claw their faces off" I muttered to myself, wanting the day to end so I could just go and walk home with Dakota, the one friendly dog that I knew.
Math class was boring I spaced out through most the lesson.LA bored me to death.
The last bell of the day rang I could finally go and meet Dakota by the front!  As I padded forward I looked around where's Dakota!?!  I sat under a small tree,where I always sat and waited for him. I stood up sorry Dakota but I have to go I thought and padded away from the school.
Other animals ran past or got in my way as I padded towards home my paws dragging every so often.
I padded through the doors of my den,I was greeted by my mom and the smell of fresh baked cookies. I purred at the smell and sat at the rock table I took my bag of and grabbed my satchel that was full of random things,I slid it on,I wanted to get out of the den and the only way I was doing that was with my bag of 'safety', I called it that for no reason at all.
I came back into my den and said a small hello to my parents and sister then I went and fell asleep in my cozy moss nest.


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