12.) Commands (2)

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It was strange. Levi was him, but he was also someone else? His wolf was almost the opposite of it's human counter part. After hearing his master's command the previous night he felt a tremendous pain and was pushed into the passenger seat of his mind. Levi was confused and terrified until he realized that he got his wolf back. 

He would be eternally grateful to his master. Levi still understood his place as a servant but he felt as if this was a sign of his master's approval of his obedience so far. If this was the case then Levi was most certainly pleased that he was doing his job correctly, 

Some of the things that had occurred the previous evening still baffled him. His wolf had no regard for the rules he had been forced to memorize and obey. In fact, Levi had spent most of the time in horror after watching his wolf's blatant disregard of all the years of training. He bit him. Levi was quite perplexed. 

Why did his wolf want to bite his master? 

And why did it feel so wonderful when his master bit him? 

Currently, Levi was pulled tight against his master as he tried to decipher all that had happened. Levi had been awake for quite some time, but oddly felt no reason to try to remove himself from his master's embrace. He also had no motivation to ever leave the bed. Something was blocking out the trainer's commands. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he could hear the dull yelling of his trainer, but it sounded as if Thomas was behind thick glass somewhere deep within his psyche. 

He felt safe... something he hadn't felt since his parents had been around. Since before he killed them... 'Stop that! It wasn't our fault'  Levi jumped. Who said that? 'It's me, your wolf. Our mate set me free!'  

What? Mate? That's impossible we couldn't have a mate. Especially not an Alpha. Levi was weak. He remembered the malicious words of Thomas. 

"No self respecting wolf would want a weakling as a mate. And you, 2197, are the prime example of weakness you pathetic omeg-" Levi was wrenched out of his thoughts by a soft shake as his Master moved to lay above him. He looked up to meet his Master's, mate's, eyes. He let out a snort at his wolf's correction.  

There was no way the moon goddess would give him a mate so it would be better to dismiss the thought. Levi's eyes trailed down his master's neck until he leveled his gaze on the bite mark he had left on his mate, no master's, flesh. He flushed when he thought of his... naughty reaction to all the biting. 

Master placed a finger under his chin and brought his face back to his. Levi strangely did not feel the need to lower his gaze and locked eyes with the man above him. "Good morning mate", he said in a deep,  husky voice.  He shivered and his wolf let out a purr of delight. He is mate leaned down to rest his head above his bite mark and Levi barred his neck. A soft moan left his lips as the dominant man nuzzled up against the mark and kissed Levi's sensitive skin. 

Levi's eyes rolled back as his mate nipped and sucked on the skin of his neck. His mate trailed kisses up his neck and stopped to kiss Levi gently on the lips. As the man moved to pull away, Levi surprised himself by leaning up to deepen the kiss. His Master, no mate groaned in approval and deepened the kiss. Levi's hands came to rest in his mates hair. He soon ran out of breath and let his mate pull away. 

They both were panting trying to regain their breath. Levi was happy, and a little of something else, but that would definitely not be on his agenda for today. Levi heard his wolf's huff of disapproval in the back of his mind and smiled at the man above him. His smile was mirrored by his mate and Levi felt content to lay within his mate's arms forever. 

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