Recap of Twilight Drama!!!!!!!!!!

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A/N: This is in 3rd Person Pov

Bella Swan 17 years old left her mom Renee and stepdad Phil in Phoenix Arizona to live with her Dad Charlie the Chief of Police in Forks Washington. Upon starting her new life in Forks Bella attended Forks High School where she became a Junior during the first few weeks she met Edward Cullen and his family. Bella noticed something different about the Golden Eyed God like Cullen's after she went to the Quiluette campfire party on the La Push beach. After realizing the Cullen's secret Bella and Edward grew closer getting together as a couple but deep down in the back of her mind Bella knew something was wrong with this. Ignoring her inner thoughts Bella gave her trust to Edward.

Unknown to Bella and the rest of the Cullen's Edward had a secret of his own he already had a mate Tanya Denali. On the night of the big baseball game Bella met Laurent, James and a very sexy beautiful Victoria. Bella was instantly drawn to the mysterious beauty Victoria who tried to maintain eye contact, but once more Bella refused to give into her inner thoughts. Bella's secret gift blocked out the Cullen's gifts which stopped them from hearing her thoughts and knowing her true feelings. James noticed the exchange of eye contact between the two females Victoria who he had convinced that he was her mate with the help of a very talented vampire with similiar gifts/powers to Chelsea a guard in the Volturi and Bella a human. James grew angry so he preyed on Bella tormenting her for a few moments. Without knowing Bella had just became the new prey of the tracker and Coven leader James.

James had fooled everyone into believing Laurent was the leader of their coven he had also claimed to have killed Alice aka Mary Alice Brandon's sire he had known her while she had been a patient at the mental aslyum many years ago. Not wanting to draw attention to her feelings Victoria unwillingly went along with James' plan to kill Bella. Victoria couldn't remember all of her past the main secret she couldn't recall was that she was born to Aro and His love Freya whom he had an affair with while married to Suplicia.

After James' endgame was revealed Bella lay on the floor of the ballet studio in Phoenix the venom from the bites James' gave her started to burn. Edward had arrived in time to suck out the venom. While the rest of the Cullen's worked together to destroy James Victoria was secretly visiting her adopted sister Jane. James was finally no longer a threat to Bella Edward thought his secret was safe but without his knowledge Laurent had discovered the truth while he visited the Denali Coven distant relatives of Carlisle's.

While Bella was in hospital Victoria kept a watch over her from afar struggling with her emotions Bella's face continued to plague her mind she couldn't believe she was having feelings for a human and that the human was female. After Bella was released from hospital she continued on with her life while all the time Victoria was watching in the background.

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