A trip to Egypt

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Insight a little on Alex's character before it starts:

Alex is 17 years old and basically acts like a rebel in his boarding school. If somethings needed done to get back on someone, he's your guy. But he'd never purposely hurt someone, just harmless pranks to brings someone's head out the bucket. He's extremely smart though hides it very well in his friendly, layed back attitude. But his twin brother died in a hit+run accident 2 years back, and this is really Alex trying to become his brother. He's a player with the girls and the 'it' boy in the school basically.

Hmm, I think I better shut up here now. Lol. Enough insight I reckon. :D Enjoy

Alex Cullen walked to class, wearing his shorts and t-shirt today. He knew they were going to Egypt today thanks to the Prof telling them that and had even brought a football with him. Instead of carrying it full size though, he had shrunk it to minuscule size so it would fit in his wand pocket along with his wand. If they could play, he could always enlarge it again. He met up with his friends, remembering last time they had met up. It had been a laugh, flooding the toilets.

Arriving at the classroom, almost turned around and walked out again at the sight of the flippin' port key this time. Last time it was the weapon(stiletto but hey :P ), but seriously, a teddy bear? This was just getting out of hand. Oops, water, he thought as the Prof reminded them to get one and a hat. He put the water bottle in his other pocket and unfortunately, touched the port key. His whole body was jerked forward as the sights of the ground flew by them in a blur. He landed in Egypt, not without almost falling over, expecting to see pyramids but only seeing sand and more sand...and sand again.

'Wow, you sure you got the right place,Professor?' Alex asked loudly, a bit confused. And the fact it was dark didn't help much. She answered by telling them to follow her. Alex started walking with the rest of the group until she suddenly dissappeared. Alex raised an eyebrow and continue forward, starring down the top of hill wondering if she had slipped to the bottom but there was no sign of her. Suddenly her head popped out of nowhere and Alex almost jumped out of shock. 

'Jeez, you wouldn't say' he muttered sarcastically to himself as he walked into the illusion, ready for any tricks she might've had up her sleeve. Fair enough though, there was nothing execpt one freakin' awesome pyramid infront of them.  

'How come they never warn us before hand to bring cameras?' he asked himself, still looking at it. He looked back and only noticed a few more people had come through after him, Alex being of course the first to go through. Once everyone was in finally, Alex wrote his name in the sand before cathing up with them as they had begun to walk into the pyramid.

Now Alex wasn't one to be scared often but he stood well away from the sides. It was so dark and gloomy and to be honest, anyone going into a pyramid after you've seen the Mummy series wouldn't be thrilled to say the least. Suddenly the Prof spoke again and there was light finally. He smiled, somewhat thankful. The purple light showed off the pyramid's interior beautifully. Almost made the place look... nicer anyway.

Alex noticed a chest before the Professor spotted it out. He hoped there weren't any beetles or bugs or whatever in there. That certaintly wouldn't be funny. He was intrigued when she said they were dream stones. How could mere stones show people's most inner desires. Curious, as soon as the Prof said they had a couple of hours he went to see if she was right.

Picking up a grey stone, he held it in his hand, and looked at it, wondering if it would work. A faint image came up of his twin brother and Alex bit his lip, knowing already he wanted him back so much. What surprised him though was two more images that had come up; One of a girl and another of child. He quickly put one hand to shield it from other people's view while he looked at the pictures.

How did this stupid rock know what he wanted to have in the future? This was ridiculous. He quickly put barriers in his mind, only thinking of one image and that's it till the pictures faded again and he replaced the stone in the chest, pretty shocked but partially annoyed. Finding his friend who was still looking at his picture of himself in his stone, Alex laughed and dared him to go round the pyramid with him - exploring.  

'Nah, double dare you' his friend teased back and Alex laughed. 'You're on' he replied and together they went exploring down one of the passage ways. Suddenly, it slope steeply upwards and Alex gulped. He felt the urge to get his wand out and light it but there was no way he was going to look scared. It was just against the jungle rules. 'After you?' he asked his friend before he got the reply, 'No after you'.

Taking a hold in hand hold, he pulled himself up and started to crawl along the passage way as it got narrower and narrower. 'You sure about this mate? I'm not really gonna fit much longe- ow, Bloomin' wall' Alex cursed, rubbing his head. There was now light at the end of the tunnel but the passage way had turned a sharp left. Crawling a few more paces, there was finally room to stand up.

'Race you.' they challenged each other and started running before the floor suddenly dropped beneath them and they slid down into the wall. Alex shut his eyes before feeling......sand? 

'What the-?'he asked himself opening them up to find them selves back out side. 'Just an illusion' he said laughing. Picking themselves up, they walked round and light their wands. Finding where they come in from, Alex walked into the room where all the rest of them still were.

'Sonorus' he casted on him self, just so everyone could hear him. He cleared his throat and quite a few turned there heads towards him. He grinned unexpectedly to them before shouting, so it was double the volume. 'Last one out 's a yellow dunder head' before adding quieter than before..'Professor' in his cheeky demeanor.

He quickly cast quietus on himself before running out with the rest of them. Bringing his marble sized football out, he pointed his wand out it. 'Engorgio' he casted and kicked it up in the air, over to Kiera,( his 'girlfriend at the time ) just coz she wasn't really paying attention. He laughed and they started playing footie for the last hour of their time in Egypt.

Finally, the Prof told them it was time to go, and he shrunk his football away, before grabbing hold on the port key. 'Told you bringing the footie was a good thing to do' he told his friend, his voice one of cockiness as usual, before walking back to the common room for a 'good' homework night.

Hey guys. I thought I'd just post something up that I had written quite a while ago for this site I used to rp on. It was eh for this class where they took the spells from JKR's mind and brought it into the real world basically. But eh yeah. It was one of my proudest works from there with this character if I must say so myself.

Comment please ( and you can vote but I highly doubt it :P lol )

Hope your having a good new year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2011 ⏰

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