I | Neighbors

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A|N: I missed y'all so much. To all my old readers: Welcome back! And to all my new readers: Welcome to Beckham Fantasies 2. Hope you all enjoy this first imagine!

Neighbors. The person or people who stays right next to you. You could either get a good neighbor. Or a neighbor from hell.

And that's exactly what you had.

A neighbor from hell. His name was Odell. And Odell was a huge asshole, who you couldn't stand—and he knew that. You were living in an apartment and his place was right next door. Everyday, there was something going on in there.

Either he was banging chicks, having a party, or just being flat out loud. It was quite annoying, since the walls were really thin so you could literally hear everything he does. Everything.

Tonight, he was screwing some broad. You tossed and turned in your bed, pulling the sheets over your head, covering your ears with pillows, trying to block out the moans, screams, and banging.

But it didn't work.

At this point, you were fed up. You tried to be nice and not be a nagging neighbor but he'd crossed the line. Enough was enough.

You kissed your teeth and got out your bed, slipping on your slides. You stormed out your apartment and went next door. Instead of knocking politely, you knocked on the door like a madman.

Moments later, the front door unlocked, revealing the asshole himself. He stood there tall in some Calvin Klein's, his print outlined the briefs. Surprisingly, it was huge.

You didn't even realize you were staring so hard until he cleared his throat. You looked up at him to see a smirk plastered on his face, "See something you like?"

You scoffed and shook your head, "Ew, no! I have to get up for work in the morning and I would greatly appreciate it if you and your hoe kept it down! I'm tired of hearing her moan and scream your name. I'm tired of hearing your headboard hit the wall. It's already bad enough that these walls are thin! So shut it the fuck up!" You yelled. You were pretty sure the neighbors could hear you yelling but it was only for you to get your point across.

"I can't help what she can't control. It just mean I'm beating the pussy right." He continued to have that stupid smirk on his face, "Get some earplugs. Have a blessed night, ma." He said before slamming the door right in your face.

"Did this motherfucker just tell me to get earplugs? And did he just slam the door in my face?" You whispered to yourself. You shook your head in disbelief and walked back to your apartment.

And this was a reason why you couldn't stand his ignorant ass. There was nothing you could do now. You went inside your room, took off your slides, and climbed into your bed.

Since there were no sounds coming from the wall, you thought they'd stopped screwing. Just as you closed your eyes, you heard the broad high pitched moans and screams. Soon, the headboard banging against the wall.

You growled and covered your ears with the palm of your hands, but of course, you could hear.

The broad he was screwing just so happened to be bilingual so she was literally speaking in every language.

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