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Etsuko's pov
It was my birthday today! The fourth of July which made me even more exited. I smiled brightly as I jumped off my bed and ran to my Mom's and Dad's room. "Mommy Daddy! Wake up!" I yelled excitedly. I heard no response and walked to the side of my dad's side and asked worryingly "Daddy?" No response. I walked into the kitchen hoping they would be there as well. Only the curtains of the kitchen were open letting in light from the shining sun. I heard something fall outside at my backyard as I went to go check. I reached for the knob at the tall door before me. I twisted the handle and opened it... A big smile spread across my face as I saw my mom and dad outside with streamers and fireworks in their hands. I ran outside yelling "Hooray!!" I jumped around and saw 3 presents left on the table, I looked around making sure my mom and dad were distracted. I reached out for it was almost close until I heard "Estuko you better not touch that!" Yelled my Mom. I giggled and left it on the table, once my parents were done they rushed me into the living room to watch movies. My parents sat down each beside me  as I hugged both if them tightly. The sun soon started to set as I stood up from the couch and ran outside yelling "It's time! I'm ready!" Mom and dad came out of the house laughing at my sudden actions and said together "First the firework." I nodded and sat down on the grass looking up to the bright lights in the sky. Boom! A bright sparkling light emerged from the ground joining the lights in the sky. A loud boom was heard as I stood up smiling and pointing to the light. "Pretty!" I sat down as my parents prepared the fireworks.  "Ready?" I turned my head towards my parents as they had sticks in their hands with little papers at the tips. "Mom? What are those?" My mom smiled brightly as she said "Sparklers just wait and see Etsuko. You'll love it!" I nodded and grabbed one from my mom's hand and stuck it out in front of me waiting for my dad to light it. Then bam. The most beautiful light started as sparks flew everywhere. The green and red light joined together as I looked at it anazed. I smiled laughing and ran around making shapes with it and tried to spell my name. "Look Mom!" She nodded and smiled to me and so did my dad. A few minutes later My parents walked into the house as my dad said "Stay there." I nodded confusedly as I watched the fireworks explode. One particular one was louder than the others... BOOM! I jumped and looked to my right and saw the firework who cause the noise not in the air but near my house and near the ground. I looked down as the sparks slowly fell onto the grass and lighting up. My eyes widened as I inspected if it got near my house and saw it that my house was already engulfed in flames. Tears filled my eyes and the sound of sirens were heard. My heart sank as I thought about my parents. Trucks were all over the place with lights shining over my house and onto my face. I saw my Dad and Mom in a bed going to a car. They had weird mask on them and their eyes were closed. Tears slid down my face as my heart pounded. I ran towards my Mom and I felt an arm around me and I was soon picked up. I struggled and kicked as they let me down and I ran to get my presents and held them near me. Never letting them go...
A few weeks later.
  I was still at my aunts house. She explained thing so me that I didn't understand. I was officially 8 at the moment but I didn't want to. I want to be 7. When my mom and dad were there. I stayed silent as my aunt said "In a few months or years you'll be able to see your mom and dad. I haven't gotten much news as well." I nodded and left to the couch and sat down. Mommy. Daddy. I need you. Tears slid down my face as I sat there emotionless. The presents were on my side but I ignored them.
Years/months later...
They've finally let me see my mom. I was now at least 12 as I walked into the hospital with my aunt. She said she'd wait at the lobby for me. So I went ahead and checked in and went to the room. The smell of medicine filled the room as I heard Beep. Beep. I opened the door slowly and saw my mom on the bed. She smiled brightly at me as if nothing ever happened. I smiled at her and ran to her. I hugged her gently hoping I won't hurt her. "Where's dad?" She looked at me sadly and shook her head. My eyes widened bit it seemed like I couldn't cry anymore. I looked at her and saw she laid back down breathing heavily. I panicked and looked at her. I intertwined her fingers with mine as I  looked at her panicking. I didn't know what to do. I just stood still.

Don't let this bring you down... Keep that smile. Never let it fade.... Smile. Smile forever." Mom said quietly. Her eyes were glassy as her grip tightened on my hand and slowly weakend. I started to tremble, letting the tears fall onto my face. Mom's last word echoed in my mind. 'Smile forever'
I managed a weak smile as tears fell onto my face. I lifted up her hand and brought it to my face. "I love you more than ever mom... Dad."

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