1. The ending

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Their fallout. If they themselves caused it then it would of been understandable.

But no. Their fall out was because of girls who couldn't keep their shipping to themselves.

When half of the comments were

Omg Jikook #jikook

Only a few were talking about their talent.

If their talent was being talked about them could of dealt with the FANGIRLS screaming in the comments .

But as the comments talking about their talents lessen and the FANGIRLS grew the stress level rose and they lost followers their friendship soon began to crumble.

That was the start of the fall out.

"Listen...I'm just saying maybe...just maybe your being a bit sensitive.."?

"You really don't mind? Being what! Shipped with someone especially someone who is your best friend and partner"!

Flinching at the sudden outburst jimin looked at Jeongguk in the eye.

"I don't mind at all".

"I don't like it at all. Maybe we should go our separate ways. I don't like this whole shipping thing jimin".


Looking down jimin began playing with his fingers.

It's okay. I thought maybe if I played with this whole shipping thing..maybe we could of actually could of become a couple..I guess not.

Looking to the door he heard the loud slam and began to sob.

Over the next few months they'd fight over the shipping comments but tried to stay together but one day it just became to much.

They thought they were fine.

They weren't.

"I can't do it anymore jimin. The comments are so fucking annoying. Some of them even make fanfictions about us".


"I think it's time to go out own ways".


Maybe if he had a voice back then maybe they still would of been able to fight against the comments and still be partners.

But social media fucked up their friendship up.

The last video they made together was about how they'd go their separate ways because of "personal issues".
After telling everyone their new accounts the video ended with smiles that held no light in them.



Jimin knew with the goodbye they were done for good. Closing a chapter. Ending a long time friendship. They were done.

And it was....





Fucked up


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