A Dreamy Lie

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Siara Rose's life used to be completely normal and then she started having dreams, dreams of a beautiful magical world a world where anything could happen where you could find true love in a instant and the dreams were so magical she couldn't tell which world was the real one or was any world real and were we all just puppets  in a huge master plan too only be controlled for personal gain. Siara used to ask herself lots of possibilities of what exactly was life. She used to wonder a lot of things and she thought she was going insane. If you really thought about it she probably was.

Siara always thought sane people were always the perfect ones the ones who had no flaws, but the truth is sane people are the most  insane. It makes sense in a way for a sane person to be insane because they are stuck in a box of saness and that box scratch's at them and they want so badly to be a little bit crazy but there forced and stuck forever in that box. The box so small, so tight that it's cramping like being in a nut shell. You would think only an insane person would think of that you know like an excuse for being insane.

Siara thought she was crazy for thinking the dreams could be true but then she dreamed again of that same beautiful land, and 17 year old Siara always loved to just stand there and soak it all in her mind and just dream... she liked to plop down on the grass and watch the emerald dragons fly but this time she just stood there confused wondering why she saw what she saw because in all her time in having these dreams she never ever saw another person especially a dreamy hot gorgeous guy with beautiful brown hair and golden eyes and he was wearing the most ridiculous outfit he was wearing one of those white Greece tunac's. Siara's mind was blown she thought why in the world would a hot guy wear a dress God my mind has an odd sense of humor. She laughed to herself and had a big grin on her face.

The dreamy guy said "Wow i never thought i would see a beautiful Caucasian girl here."

"Wow thanks..... Wait beautiful Caucasian girl? What color are your people"

He had a smirk on his face which made her pale white skin blush and made her face turn red and her body felt hot even a little bit eager. God Siara thought whats wrong with me i just met him and he's not even real?

The dreamy guy just smiled and never answered my question and just said "In good time my friend you will know."

I just rolled my eyes and gave him a look that said are you kidding me???

He ignored my evil stare and changed the topic.

"Well since your here and you have no where to go you might as well let me take you for a walk." He said that with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry i don't go anywhere with a guy that wears a dress." Says Siara. I had to keep my cool and had to keep my sass I can't/won't let him know I am attracted to him.

The dreamy guy kept that beautiful smirk on his face and grabbed my hand and said "C'mon let me take you for an adventure, trust me you will love the land of forever!"

I let him grab my hand and I just stared at him in a dazed kinda way where all I could think of was how sexy he was..... I mean I don't usually go for cross dressers but Damn he was one sexy man, so I nodded my head and said "Fine, but if this little journey of ours turns out to be lame than I am so waking myself up and never dreaming about this again!"

The dreamy guy said nothing and just started walking into the beautiful forest where all I could see was the trees so high you couldn't even see the sky anymore.....


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2014 ⏰

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