Akihiko Kayaba x Reader

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This is for my friend SarcasticRose SarcasticRose

You slammed the door loudly, startling your boyfriend Akihiko. He glanced round to you, giving you a strange look.

"Are you okay?" he asked gently, walking over to you and placing a hand on your back.

"Eh, not particularly, those idiots again..." you sighed loudly.

"Well anyway, try and forget about them I guess. My new game, Sword Art Online is coming on well though." He pulled you in for a quick hug before walking away to finish off some computer wiring of sorts.

You wondered about this Sword Art Online game. It was certainly the first of its kind and was an exciting prospect. The thing is, if it went wrong by one line of code, the entire game would crash and have to be completely remade. If it crashed when it was in use by Beta testers, it wouldn't be as bad supposedly, however, Akihiko would need to be exceptionally careful to not let the  game get hacked.

Deciding there wasn't anything else to do, you traipsed up the stairs to your room. By accident, however, you slammed the door...
On your finger.
"Crap!" You exclaimed as Akihiko came running up to see you.
"Are you okay y/n?" He asked gently, picking up your hand gently to inspect the injury.
" I just slammed my finger in the bloody door, do you think I'll be okay?" Rolling your eyes, you turned away and ignored Akihiko.

He turned you back round and pulled you into a tight hug. At first, you were shocked, but then melted into it, wrapping your arms around him.  When you looked up, all you saw were his eyes flickering down to your lips, before capturing them in a short, sweet kiss.

Blushing, you smiled. Magically, the pain in your finger had disappeared.
         *                 *                *
You awoke next to Akihiko, turning round and smiling at him. He ruffled your already messing morning hair.
"Good morning y/n"
"Good morning Mr Kayaba"

He laughed at you, and pulled you closer to him, making sure the covers were wrapped around you tightly and you couldn't escape his warm embrace.

Yawning, you closed your eyes and snuggled into him.
"Hey Akihiko?" You said softly.
"Yes love?" He replied placing a small kiss on your forehead.
"I love you"
"I love you more"
You carried on like this for what seemed like forever...

AAAH sorry this is so short! I will try and make them longer in the future. Bye x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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